Friday, May 15, 2015


I think that this season has been the most disruptive because of road repair and construction.  Residents, businesses, and drivers in our end-of-town are not happy.  Some of the streets plus a freeway bridge are being widened and reconstructed, which has been a collective pain for the people who normally use them.  People trying to get from one end of town to another have to be quite imaginative to circumvent all the road work and construction.  Others in "that other town" across the Mississippi River are experiencing some of the same problems and frustrations.


  1. Some of us, here, would be glad to get some disruptions like these: many of our roads need desperately repairs...

  2. One of the frustrations of living in a cold climate area. All that work has to get done after the thaw.

  3. Those road repairs are terrible, so much rubbish and it takes for weeks or months to get it finished. But it has to be done...

  4. even in the country we get perturbed by 'progress' when it disrupts the way to town. :)

  5. It is a pain when it is going on but so nice when finished. The problem is, it takes so long.

  6. I can relate. Living in the country where many of the roads are only two-lane, if we have road repairs it frequently requires stopping traffic with a flagman. It always seems that they stop traffic for a couple miles in either direction and it takes forever with a pilot vehicle to guide each lane through. Then I think about people who live in a rural area here in East Texas whose only road was washed out due to the floods this past week and they have been stranded for several days while road crews attempt to build a temporary road. Fire and ambulance service has been halted during this time. When I'm reminded of their disruption mine seems a bit trivial.

  7. Road repairs are a nuisance, but required.

  8. That's one of the things I remember most about living in the Twin Cities - spring, summer and fall were road repair times and always a mess! Of course, down here we have road repairs all year round so I'm not sure that's any better!

  9. Colorful conduit.

  10. We even run into that in the mountains...which I guess summer is the only season that they can be sure not to be disrupted by the snow!

  11. There doesn't seem to be any way around work and disruption. Daytime drivers in a city next door are unhappy with traffic disruptions from some pile driving at a construction site. They insist it should be done at night. You can imagine how the neighbors would like having that done when they want to sleep.


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