Sunday, March 13, 2011

Here Today-Gone Tomorrow!

In the past I had posted many photos of "An-Apple-a-Day Project" here and here. Last Friday the exhibit was taken down.  Those of us who had purchased paintings arrived during a designated time period to pick them up while Joy Liberman and her helpers (one pictured here) were removing the installation.  The exhibit had been wildly popular, and it was sad for me to see its ending.  But, now my granddaughter has the large green apple on the left and I  have the other painting as a result!


  1. Hair today? After seeing the helper's hair I thought your next project might be all about the cutting of hair. My bad! hahahaha

  2. You both made great choices!!

  3. The removal of an art installation is something you don't get to see everyday. Nice to have those painting in your hands, at last.

  4. Just as sure as the Lord made little green apples you could make a pie to go with your painting! :-)

    Re your comment on Ocala: I did sell some gold once. Big rip-off! Got almost nothing. Save your collection!

  5. Hope you are both enjoying your new pieces!

  6. It was a fabulous exhibit and we were fortunate that you took us there to enjoy it... Plus, you have "the spoils"!!!


  7. Good things always come to an end. At least you have something to keep. Nice shots.

  8. Nothing lasts forever, I guess. But, just think . . . maybe the next exhibition will be even better!


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