Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow!

November Theme Day: If this lawn decoration is not gone already, it will be removed by tomorrow. Thank goodness! After tonight, I'm ready to say good-bye to Halloween. The urchins at the door were delightful, but there were too many of them. Our neighbors tend to take Halloween decorations down quickly, unlike Christmas scenes, lights, and wreaths which seem to stay up forever!

Today in MN History: 1991-On the three days following the “Storm of the Century,” (The Halloween Blizzard) Duluth receives 36.9 inches of snow, the largest single-storm total in state history at the time. (Historical information:

This photo is part of the City Daily Photo Blogging monthly theme day. 55 Daily Photo sites are participating in the 1st November theme, please use the links below to visit them. Due to time zone differences and other factors, the theme photo may not be displayed until later if you are viewing early in the day.Porto, Portugal - Seattle (WA), USA [Kim] - London, UK - Greenville (SC), USA - Albuquerque (NM), USA - St Paul, (MN) USA [Kate] - Shanghai, China - Phoenix (AZ), USA - Twin Cities (MN), USA - Sequim (WA), USA - Stayton (OR), USA - Bandung, Indonesia - Dallas (TX), USA - Stavanger, Norway - Singapore, Singapore [Zannnie] - Budapest, Hungary - Paris, France - Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzegovnia - Melbourne, Australia - Auckland, New Zealand - Singapore, Singapore [Raymond] - Dubai, UAE - Vantaa, Finland - Oshawa (Ontario), Canada - St. Paul (MN) [Carol] - Singapore, Singapore [Keropok] - Delta (CO), USA - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Queens (NY), USA - Tenerife, Spain - Santiago, Chile - Nelson, New Zealand - Akita, Japan - Hyde, UK - Sydney, Australia [Sally] - Manila, Philippines - Aliso Viejo (CA), USA - Nottingham, UK - Brussels, Belgium - Sharon (CT), USA - Sydney, Australia [Nathalie] - Edinburgh, Scotland - Evry, France - San Diego (CA), USA - Santa Clara (CA), USA - Saarbrücken, Germany - Joplin (MO), USA - Indianapolis (IN), USA - Trujillo, Peru - Barcelona, Spain - Berlin, Germany - Vancouver (BC), Canada - Trier, Germany - Houston (TX), USA - Joensuu, Finland


  1. After your first para I was thinking "A least they take them down, not like Xmas decos that stay up forever", then you said it!

    BTW, I can't believe that shops here are ALREADY playing Xmas carols, and Melbourne has its big (fake) tree up already. Soon there'll be no need to take things down at all.

  2. ahhhh, the Halloween Blizzard of 91....oh the memories halloween brings back of that storm.

    Great idea for the theme day!

  3. lol! That was a good one. And Sally you are right, I had the same thought.

  4. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Hooray! I'm not a fan of halloween, in fact we 'celebrated' by leaving the house and having fish and chips on the beach instead. So I'm glad I wont see any more pumpkins!! Thanks for helping me celebrate 'the day after'!

  5. Kate, Great idea for our theme day! I was in class tonight, but my husband said there were only 30 or 35 kids that came to the door tonight, and none of them small kids. As I was driving home, there were hoards in other neighborhoods. At least you won't be eating left over candy for days ;^)

  6. Yup, when the pumpkins go down it means the christmas decorations go up. Looking forward to see what replaces that pumpkin :)

  7. Nice pumpkin. So will the Christmas lights be up within a week? Thanks for stopping by my blog - I would love to hear your drive-in movie stories!

  8. great idea for the theme - I like the new feature you have - what happened on this day - that was a lot of snow!
    Christmas will be here soon =(

  9. That's quite a lump he's got there.

  10. Tres bonne idee pour le theme du mois (bien que la grande citrouille reviendra l'annee prochaine).

    Very good idea for the topic of the month (although the large pumpkin will return the next year).

  11. hahahaha, perfect post novembers theme day. now why did I not think about that!


  12. Anonymous5:42 AM

    pumpkins are great but ready to move on =)

  13. Some people find it hard to let go. Bye, bye, Big Punkin!

  14. It's possible some holidays halloween dissapear, but other ones will be created to maintain consumerism.

    Trick or treat?

    I choose truth.

    Greetings from Barcelona

  15. It's possible some holidays halloween dissapear, but other ones will be created to maintain consumerism.

    Trick or treat?

    I choose truth.

    Greetings from Barcelona

  16. I guess that pumpkin can get deflated and put back in the attic. But I bet you'll be seeing some smashed pumpkins here and there along the streets, at least for a little while. Hopefully little animals will make good use of them and they'll be gone before too long.

  17. Haha.. would it be turned into pumpkin soup the next day? Not for this pumpkin I see...

  18. I'm ready too. Too much for too long. I can't believe all the Christmas decorations up already.

  19. Yes, I wish that Christmas decorations (and carols played in stores, and the pressure to buy lots of gifts) would be confined to a shorter season too! (Sorry if that offends anyone!)

  20. halloween is gone... Xtmas is coming ^.^

    nice pic

  21. Anonymous7:21 PM

    That's a cute pumpkin!

  22. :D
    nice choice~~~
    hee hee...

  23. Nice photo Kate. Thanks for stopping by today. Like the history lesson too. :-)

  24. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Yep they will all disappear. Someone stole one of our pumpkins last night. I was hoping they would take both of them so I don't have to mess with cutting them up for the compost pile :)

  25. Kate, thanks for visiting my blog! As I tried to explain there, the photo is not targetted, it is just the expression of people who are not satisfied with their lives, because of the system. Things are so complicated here... My best wishes to you!


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