Monday, August 31, 2015
Getting Ready for Theme Day
I wasn't really thinking about the September theme, Curiosities, when I saw this. . . whatever it is, plying the waters of the Sturgeon Bay, Wi channel, a waterway that allows boats and ships to travel between Lake Michigan and Green Bay waters. There was no-one around who could identify this floating curiosity for me. Perhaps it is a good lead-in to tomorrow's theme. Do you know what this "barge" is?!
Added later: After I maxed the photo, the yellow sign reads: Aquarius Systems. Still a mystery to me.
EUREKA! I found the answer. Check this link; it is surface water management, getting all the weeds and invasive "stuff." It's an interesting video; go watch it. I should have googled this in the first place!
Sunday, August 30, 2015
The Tug, Susan L
There are all kinds of pleasure boats in the marina in Sturgeon Bay, but I tend to be drawn to the working ships, boats, and tugs like the Susan L.
Only two more days, and it is getting “Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice. . . . . Would she be satisfied and understand more if she would visit CDP bloggers on September Theme Day?
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Sturgeons in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Stella, the Sturgeon
Sturgeons Around the Bay: Street Art Auction to be held September 19, 2015. Proceeds support the Sturgeon Bay Visitor Center and the artists.
& Saturday's Critters
I was curious about these figures of Street Art, but I decided not to use them for the upcoming September Theme of Curiosities.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Bridges And Boats
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
John Purves Tugboat
I think this qualifies as a sign. This large tug is moored behind the Maritime Museum and is a living museum itself. Daily tours of the Tug are offered for curious landlubbers.
Linked to Signs, Signs
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
ABC Wednesday-"G"
You GOT Mail!!
Unusual rural mailboxes always interest me. The one is one of the more interesting. The one below needs a little touch-up but certainly appropriate for one located in the port of Sturgeon Bay, Wi.
Linking to ABC Wednesday
September Theme Day is fast approaching for CDP. Keep an eye out and camera ready to photograph "Curiosities."
Monday, August 24, 2015
Sea Dogs
Not exactly a mural; probably should save it for a signs meme, but this exhibit, which will be at the Maritime Museum for two months is captivating. It's a history of the presence of dogs on ships and in lighthouses on Lake Michigan.
Linking to Monday murals and signs, signs
Sunday, August 23, 2015
I saw this interesting contraption (greenhouse-of-sorts?) on the University of Minnesota's St. Paul campus. I assume that the sunflowers must thrive and grow better in it—don't really know.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
A real beauty!
Saw this beauty while walking my dog. Hard to take a photo when Maggi was tugging at the leash as I was trying to steady my iphone. Not too bad, tho.
Linking to Camera Critters and Saturday Critters
Friday, August 21, 2015
Another bench
The color of this bench makes it very special. Just as I coveted the bench I showed you the other day, I'd like to have this one, too.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Good Friends
Shirl is on the left and Joan on the right. I miss them and our good times. Sweet, innocent fun!
Monday, August 17, 2015
Four Sisters
This wee Irish lass is one of four sisters who bill themselves as "Screaming Orphans"—they entertained at the recent Irish Fair in St. Paul. When they spoke, their brogue was obvious but not while they sang and played their drums and guitars. They began performing originally with their mother, but then branched out on their own. The crowds and I loved them but DH felt they were accurately billed!
Sunday, August 16, 2015
I want this wonderful bench for my front yard! I wonder if my neighbor would miss it if I moved it to my lawn?
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Going to the dogs!

DH and I are going to Door County for a few days. No wifi, whatever will I do?!
Speaking of dogs, son Karl will live at our house with our dogs. No animals, whatever will I do?!
Linking to Saturday's Critters, Camera Critters
Friday, August 14, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Meet Maria and Uncle Paddy

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Gate on our neighbor's fence, a way to enter her beautifully landscaped yard.
Linked to Signs, Signs
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Meet Linda
"Hey, Camera Lady! Camera Lady!" A voice belonging to Linda called to me after she saw me taking photos of art work in a Mayo Clinic building. Linda is a retired language arts teacher who has been coming to this medical facility in Rochester every six months for 20 years from her home, which now is in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Her silver necklace is inscribed with one word-LOVE- which I believe describes Linda's approach to life. She and I had a great chat, and she told me about the art tour of Mayo. It has a fantastic collection of art that is probably one of the best kept secrets in Minnesota.
Monday, August 10, 2015
I just had occasion to have 4 medical visits to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, a first class medical facility. Happy to note that the outcome was positive: quiet, serene surroundings, cordial staff, professional medical personnel, and empathetic and talented physicians with a clear diagnosis and hopeful prognosis. No surgery. Yea!!
In addition, the complex medical area has a first class art collection scattered among many buildings. I was awed by the 13 Dale Chihuly chandeliers hanging from a ceiling in one of the buildings. The lights made photography a bit difficult, but what a sight! I intend to return just to go on the Art Tour.
Linking to ABC Wednesday
Sunday, August 09, 2015
Meet Masha
Last Saturday while strolling at the Farmers Market I met a young woman whom I hadn't seen since 2003 when I retired from teaching. Masha was a great student: sweet, friendly and personable. She took pride in her schoolwork and was a terrific writer. She's done a fair amount of travelling and is currently doing graduate work at the University of Minnesota. So good to see these young people as young adults; it would be great to have a reunion with all those I had taught!
Saturday, August 08, 2015
Hungry?-Camera Critters
When I visit Bachman's garden center in the summer, I always visit the outdoor pool that contains Koi. This one in particular was either trying to give me a message or it was very hungry.
Koi are a group of fish that are ornamental varieties of domesticated common carp that are kept for decorative purposes in outdoor koi ponds or water gardens.
Linked to Camera Critters and Saturday's Critters
Friday, August 07, 2015
Brothers with Twin Faces
One of our creative and talented neighbors brings her paint supplies to our annual block party and has many young faces to paint throughout the evening's festivities.
One of our creative and talented neighbors brings her paint supplies to our annual block party and has many young faces to paint throughout the evening's festivities.
Thursday, August 06, 2015
Neighborhood Night Out
Part of the fun was watching the children eating and playing while the adults were socializing. We older residents remarked how we enjoyed the turnover of younger families with more young children in the neighborhood now. I didn't have to bribe or pay them to cooperate for the photo. . . took all of 10 seconds.
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