Friday, October 04, 2013

Community Practice

I decided that I will start attending some meetings at Common Ground Meditation Center because I like their programs and the idea of "practicing together in the footsteps of the Buddha."  According to their Statement of Purpose: Common Ground is a community meditation center dedicated to the practice of mindfulness.  Mindfulness is the practice of being present with the moment and learning to be at ease with the unfolding conditions of life.  With practice, mindfulness reveals deep wisdom, compassion, and freedom.

I wonder how long it will take for me to become more wise and compassionate?


  1. If you are a compassionate person you are already wise.

  2. Buddhism is so interesting! I will never forget my travels in Buddhist countries and everything that I have learned there.

    Regarding your questions on your yesterday comment:
    1- The pavement is the typical Portuguese cobblestone: basalt and limestone.
    2- The Palm Trees are healthy, what you think it's shedding leaves are just inflorescences, they are actually blooming! :-)

  3. Don't know about that but PRAY for me.

  4. Lots of good things can come out of such meditation and mindfulness. I'm not sure any of us can help Birdman, though. Heh, heh, heh, heh!

  5. I use meditation and highly recommend it. It would be even better with a group, I think.
    So glad Lowell is back, he always makes me laugh.

  6. supposed to be wonderful. Every time I try to do it..I just think of all of the things I should be doing.

  7. what a pretty shrine. good luck!

  8. I'm betting you are already pretty wise and compassionate but, I bet this will be a rewarding adventure.

  9. If this is what you are wondering then you are already wise and compassionate. I think that sounds like a very interesting program.

  10. Good for you! You're already wise and compassionate, I'm sure. I think the challenge is being in the present moment. (And, for me, managing to stay still!)

  11. A worthwhile practice I think. The rewards and peace of mind would be a welcome adventure.

  12. We used to attend classes when we lived in Phoenix. 6 years later and I am still learning.

  13. I don't think it will take you long seem to me to be a very kind and community caring person as you are.


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