Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Unbelievable Talent

 A Pair of Editors

Twin Cities' Book Reviewers
Lucky to have Them!

Laurie Hertzl (on the left) is the book reviewer for the Minneapolis Star Tribune while Mary Ann Grossmann, writing for the St. Paul Pioneer Press, publish several book related articles during the week.  Both are read avidly by bibliophiles in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. I recently took a course on Minnesota writers, and both of these talented women were the speakers at the last meeting. Earlier without realizing who she was, I stumbled upon Laurie's personal blog and was delighted to have finally met her!

To see more ABC Wednesday "U" entries, click here.


  1. des portraits avec de beaux sourires de ces deux ecrivains

  2. A nice set of portraits of these talented ladies.

  3. They look very enthusiastic and so happy!

    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  4. Bright and enthusiastic people seem to give off energy!

  5. Yah, shure! I tank day are really nice gurls! You betcha!

    Now book reviewers have become celebrities. Dontcha just love it? :-))

  6. literate ladies!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  7. They both look lively and bright. Am I the only one who thinks they look like they could be related?

  8. Wow, very cool! I admit to being a geek about authors and novels of fiction. I just love um!

  9. hey! there i am! thanks, Kate!


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