Saturday, January 24, 2015

Pastry Chefs at Turtle

 On Mondays a friend and I pick up donated bread, rolls, and pastries from Turtle Bakery on Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis to take to St. Mark's Episcopal Church, which uses it as part of their free Monday night supper for homeless street people.  While enjoying a cup of coffee at the restaurant, I like to watch Gabriella (on the left) and Angelica work their magic,.  It is hard to resist buying their delectable creations to take home!

City Daily Photo bloggers post photographs on a theme on the first day of each month.  On 
February 1, they will address this intriguing question:  If you had to leave forever the city 
from which you usually post, what would you miss most?  


  1. I see no need for resistance, those pies look delicious.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. You find it hard to resist Kate.. I would find it impossible :) I love the idea of using the bread, rolls and pastry instead of just throwing them away.

  3. My problem is not a lack of will power. It's a lack of "won't" power. I will buy as much of this stuff as my car can hold! BTW, we have a new great-granddaughter named Gabriella.

  4. I would try any one of these...

  5. Yum! I say eat them up!

  6. I'll have one of those pies!

  7. Resistance is futile. Now the question is, which of those pies to take home.

  8. Excellent portrait shot, and those pies look delicious!

  9. Turtle must be popular name for establishments. We have two in our city. Someone needs a Thesaurus.

  10. Good thing I can't drive anymore, I'd be driving up there for pie!

  11. Oh my! Those pies look irresistible!

  12. Hello, Gabriella and Angelica. You do good work.


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