Monday, August 04, 2008

SF, NM Vacation #16-Palace of the Governors

Native American Indians have been selling their jewelery and pottery in front of the Palace of the Governors for hundreds of years. The Palace flanks the Plaza's north side. Built in 1610 it is the oldest government building, aside from prehistoric kivas, in the United States. The Indian vendors are a big draw for tourist, but this photo made me laugh. Instead of the stereotypical "stoic Indian" expected by some tourists, they are doing what we all do, reading and eating.


  1. I like how you captured everyone reading and eating.

  2. belle photo de ce marché, un peu spécial.
    beautiful picture of this market, a bit special.

  3. And they looked so serious :)

  4. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I think this is a nice photo and it shows how much we are all alike.

  5. i would be very happy to buy nice jewellery they're selling, it's a lovely people photo Kate.

  6. The competition must be intense with each seller so close to the other. Great shot showing lots of character and personality.

  7. You got a terrific candid shot - no one is posing or "acting' for the camera :)

  8. Anonymous9:37 PM

    I love this shot. So much character. Eating, reading and the guy next to the one who is eating looks like he might even be on a cell phone. Yep all alike.

  9. Great shot Kate. Hope your enjoying your stay here in our lovely city.

  10. I've been there many times -- makes me miss it...

  11. I am embarrassed to admit, I thought they were Mexicans. Just goes to show how little I know about Native American culture.

    Yes, it is funny that they are reading the newspapers instead of eagerly waiting for the customers to purchase their wares.


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