Sunday, October 11, 2015

Church or the Game?

Whoever hung this sign must have been a little cock-eyed or had been inside Tiffany's bar for sometime waiting for the bus to shuttle to the game. Since the Vikings have a "by" today, perhaps the Green Bay Packers will be televised instead. so I can finally watch my favorite team that is currently 4-0!! I haven't been inside the TCF Stadium yet so I don't know how it compares with Lambeau Stadium, which is great. I deplore the current practice of naming stadiums after big business rather than athletic heroes or notable members of the community. Perhaps I should attend some University of Minnesota games to see if I approve of the stadium, even though I abhor its name. I doubt that it can compare with Lambeau!!


  1. No one walks to walk to the stadium these days, even younger people. I don't either but I don't even want to go to a stadium. We certainly change, don't we!

  2. I too hate this renaming of things in exchange for corporate money!

  3. Frozen Lambeau is certainly a cathedral.

  4. Ditto for me too! However, I guess there is not much I can do about it.

  5. I can't stand the tackiness of corporate branding of places either.

  6. I agree about the naming of stadiums but I care so little about professional sports they could name them after the saints and I still wouldn't pay any attention. Aw, the only saints the NFL would know about are in New Orleans!

  7. If Fenway Park ever becomes Bank of America Fenway Park, I will scream along with you.

  8. Yeah. Another part of the U.S.A. that goes to the highest bidder.


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