Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2001


  1. mauvais jour, mauvais souvenir ;o((
    bonjour tristesse, je pense aux survivants qui crèvent de maladie sans que l'on fasse rien (j'ai un ami dans ce cas, il était dans les tours ce jour là)
    bad day, bad memory o ((
    bonjour tristesse, I think the survivors are dying of disease without anyone doing anything (I have a friend in this case, it was in the towers that day)

  2. Dear Kate that is a nice way to remember all people that September 11 affected.

    Happy Birthday Kate, have a lovely day with your dearest!


  3. Your photo reminds me to think of all those who grieve still and whose lives were forever changed by that day's violence.

    Happy B-Day Ms. Kate!

  4. This is so beautiful and really a best way to remember 11th Sep..Unseen Rajasthan

  5. Thanks for remembering, so much has happened since then.

    Happy Birthday!

  6. Seems like yesterday.

  7. I share your sentiment.

  8. I'll never forget where I was as the horror unfolded live before our eyes on TV . . .

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Kate, Happy Birthday to you!
    Wonderful to be 39 again!

  9. I am sure none of us will ever forget that day. I was working in Rennes, France and someone came in and said a plane crashed in New York. I didn't really understand why someone thought that was so important. After we heard about a second plane crash we turned on a TV and saw what was really happening. Sad times. And our world has never been the same since.

  10. Hi Kate, that was a sad day for human kind, fortunately now NYC is healthy and vibrant. Happy B-Day and have a wonderful time, mine was yesterday, we are virgo, right? Cheers.

  11. You show "happy times" when the towers were buzzing with people (if that makes sense). I met some of these people a few years before the towers fell and I think of them often and always on September 11.

  12. Happy birthday, Kate.

  13. What a gorgeous photo!

  14. I remember when I went up the Empire State Building a couple of years ago and saw the copper diagram of all the buildings but with the Twin Towers shown as dotted lines. Too awful.

    And a happy birthday of course to you, dear Kate.

  15. This image is so beautiful that it hurts...

  16. Thank you for the remembrance. Its a day I will never forget. I knew people involved too.


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