Tuesday, September 08, 2009

At Rest

While touring the various animal barns at the Fair I was struck by how tightly many of the animals, especially the cattle, were bound to their stalls. I suppose that the intention is to limit their movements, but it didn't seem to be too comfortable for the animal. This one seems pretty content, though.


  1. "Meuh euh, Meuh euh !
    Je suis une vache
    Meuh euh, Meuh euh !
    J'ai perdu mes tâches
    Meuh euh, Meuh euh !
    Qui f'saient mon panache

    Meuh euh, Meuh euh !
    Je veux qu'on m' détache
    Meuh euh, Meuh euh !
    Pour acheter d'la gouache
    Meuh euh, Meuh euh !
    Me peindre en apache
    Meuh euh, Meuh euh !" T.S.F.

  2. I suppose that if they free themselves they could be if not outright dangerous, at least of some inconvenience...

  3. Doesn't seem like a great life.

  4. I wouldn't mind a nice stall of hay to nap in right about now. It's so hard to recover from long-distance driving.

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Around here there are usually owners in the stalls with them and they are seldom left alone. I would think it would be that way everywhere.

  6. I love it when Olivier gives us a song! I wish my French were better!

    This lovely animal. Well you did a great portrait here.

  7. I don't like to see animals confined too tightly, just for our convenience .. but they are certainly very beautiful, and I suppose one must have an eye to public safety.


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