Sunday, December 18, 2011

Diane the Cellist

This woman who also played at the recent symphony we attended (see other musicians' photos here and here) has remarkable credentials and experience.   Diane is a very active and versatile freelance artist in the Twin Cities, performing with the Mn Orchestra, Guthrie Theatre, Mn Sinfonia and for broadway musicals. She has played extensively with the Mn Opera, many ballet companies, theatre productions, and a variety of orchestras.  In addition she spends a great deal of time teaching at Breck and St. Paul Academy, working as a recording artist, playing and improvising on numerous pop and folk CD's as well as classical and commercial recordings.  The list goes on and on.  Diane and her husband, Jeffrey, live in Edina, Mn and have four children.  Makes you kind of tired, doesn't it? Makes me feel like a slug!


  1. She seems completely focused.

  2. Looks pretty intense here.

  3. Multi-talented people like this make me want to go take a nap! But gotta give 'em credit. She looks quite focused here!

  4. If you want something to be done well, ask a busy person to do it.

  5. Amazing how much energy some people have!

  6. I love Cello music.

  7. I love the cello! I have a few Yo-Yo Ma CDs in my collection!

    Fun to bump into you at Starbucks in Highland Park this morning, Great Kate!

  8. I am so untalented in music that they all seem like magicians to me.

  9. Impressive and obviously talented.

  10. That is quite a resume!

  11. Well we all know that women are fantastic at 'multi tasking' Dianne is just super good!!

  12. I hope you're considering putting together a book of your wonderful portraits!


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