Monday, October 01, 2018

"Change" is the October, 2018 theme

These young people are the ones I am counting on to be the change makers in our society. May they be bold and strong enough to change and to make the world a better place for society.

Because this is the first day of the month, CDP bloggers are posting photos that indicate "CHANGE," the theme for the day. Go here to see other photos that indicate "change."
Go here to see other versions


  1. I hope you are right Kate.

  2. They don’t have an easy chore...but we have to hope. Good looking kids.

  3. A good and unique post for the theme!

  4. I'm right there with you Kate! I am hoping the same thing too!

  5. Great minds think alike, Kate. We both have a voting/political theme to represent change. In our last election for city council, I was happy to vote for a former student of mine. He won and is already making a name for himself. It's time to pass the torch to the younger generation.

  6. Good luck to these young and bright faces. All our countries certainly do need changes and the sooner the better.

  7. There's still hope for a better future.

  8. I wish them all the best because they will need their best to make a difference. Excellent choice for the theme, Kate!

  9. Yes! I think the awful stuff that is going on is awakening young people to the need to take part and make changes happen.

  10. Perfect to see young people running for office and getting out the vote. Democracy depends on it.

  11. There must be hope for the future of the USA with these bright kids.

  12. Great post for today's theme.Bravo!

  13. I've got my surfboard and I'm just waitin' for the tsunami! :-)

  14. I love your posts and everything looks wonderful. I love your idea thanks for sharing.

  15. The guy at the top sure likes his buttons. A great photo.


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