Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Corporate Prostitution: How lucky can we get??!!

Within a one mile radius we have the good fortune of a Target Express store that replaced a BOOK STORE  (Ford Parkway and Cleveland), two Walgreens (Ford Parkway & Snelling and Randolph) plus this new arrival, CVS on Fairview and Grand) on the former Whole Foods neighbourhood store location, which is sorely missed. We obviously won the lottery for corporate interest!  Bah! Humbug


  1. CVS is big here. I don't like there stores as well as Walgreens. I've not seen a Target Express. We're getting a new Walmart neighborhood market that is much smaller than their usual stores. Ugh!

  2. All the former stores sounded good to me, what you shows is so sad to look at.

  3. I hear you Kate! I'd rather have the book store!

  4. Target tried to make a presence in Canada and went down in flames, but there's no shortage of big box store clutter here.

  5. Just think Kate....we won't have to travel anymore......every town will be alike .

  6. Sorry to hear that Kate! It seems to be what is normal now, stores replacing stores, the only difference is the name.

  7. Corporate interest is whetted by population. Here we have to drive at least an hour if we want to go to Trader Joe's. I can't remember the last time I saw a Whole Foods. Probably in California. Virtually all our commerce is in our "downtown," about 4 miles away.

  8. Calm down, Kate. The bookstore and Whole Foods decided to close. Not Target's or CVS's fault.

  9. And it's happening here and there as well

  10. I'll never understand how all of these CVSs and Walgreens on every corner can do enough business to justify so many locations. Sorry to hear the valuable shops have gone...


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