Monday, February 28, 2011
An Apple a Day #7 "The Masters"
Each of these 8"x8"squares is an individual painting, one for each day of the month of July. Some of which I have already posted and, if you have been following An-Apple-a-Day, you will recognize a few. I selected one for myself and a few days later I brought my granddaughter to the exhibit so that she could select one for herself also. She did not know which one is mine, and, fortunately, she did not select that one for herself. Now...the quiz: tell me which one you think I chose for 1) myself and 2) which one my 9-year-old granddaughter selected for her very own. The first one who correctly identifies one or the other gets a postcard from the great state of Minnesota from me. I'll show you both of them on Thursday, March 3.
(Start at the top: the first square is July 1...and the last square is July 31--got it?) Added later: make your choice before you read the other comments...more fun this way!
The artist's goal was each day to paint something that represented a well-known painting. Those of you who are artistically bent will recognize that each of these paintings is a take-off on one of the masters. Some of you already correctly identified July 27th as a reference to Georgia O'Keeffe.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: I've never believed in God, but I believe in Picasso.::: Diego Rivera :::
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Artists
Meet Joy Liberman, the artist of all the Apples! With her is my granddaughter, Olivia, who got to select her own apple painting. Tomorrow, February 28th, I will show you the calendar month that contains the two paintings from which Oliva and I each selected one for ourselves. There will be a quiz attached!!
QUOTE OF THE DAY: To love another person is to see the face of God.
Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
French dramatist, novelist, & poet (1802 - 1885)
QUOTE OF THE DAY: To love another person is to see the face of God.
French dramatist, novelist, & poet (1802 - 1885)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Meet My Neighbor!
Meet my neighbor who was busy clearing his driveway from the most recent snowfall. Eric is a pretty tall guy so you can get some idea of the height of the snowbanks. His driveway is just to his right, and he paused long enough to let me take his photo. Check the level of the snow next to his car in the driveway.
Friday, February 25, 2011
An Apple a Day #6 Blossoms
If you have been following the theme, An-Apple-a-Day, it's pretty clear that Joy Liberman, the artist, found more than one way to depict an apple! Appropriate to the month of May, Joy presented various stages of apple blossoms. I know you want to know more about this talented artist so click here to visit Joy's web page to read her biography and to view her wide range of subjects. You can also order prints and paintings from her...just tell her I sent you!!
apple blossoms,
Joy Liberman
Thursday, February 24, 2011
On's Kitchen
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I checked my archives to find photos of people that showed elements of friendship so here you have it...FRIENDS FOREVER!
To see what other bloggers from around the world have posted for ABC WEDNESDAY, CLICK HERE.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Here we go again!!
Will it ever end!? On Sunday night and Monday we got more snow dumped on us. Getting a little tired of it, but at least it has covered up all the dirty black snowbanks that have been lining the streets and driveways in our neighborhood since last December.
Only 15 more days before we leave for Mazatlán, México.
Getting an inch of snow is like winning 10 cents in the lottery.
Bill Watterson
Only 15 more days before we leave for Mazatlán, México.
Getting an inch of snow is like winning 10 cents in the lottery.
Bill Watterson
Apple-a-Day #5
This should bring another artist to mind!
The following quotes might jog your memory:
"Sun-bleached bones were most wonderful against the blue - that blue that will always be there as it is now after all man's destruction is finished. "
"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for."
BIG HINT (But don't peek! If you've ever received an email from me, you'll have a terrific clue!)
"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for."
BIG HINT (But don't peek! If you've ever received an email from me, you'll have a terrific clue!)
Who is it?
Sunday, February 20, 2011
An Apple-a-Day #4
For those of you who have asked, each individual painting is 8"x 8". The top photo is part of the month of October. Immediately to its right is the "William Tell" painting, which I posted earlier right here.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Roni Ben-Hur Quartet

Last Saturday we spent a few pleasant hours listening to these four musician play some great jazz!
Check this out to learn more about this jazz guitarist and his music.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thanks for Visiting!
I want to thank everyone one who views this blog for visiting, especially those of you who regularly stop even when the photo isn't too exciting!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
...Like Good Wine!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Carnaval in Mazatlán, México
Since Mazatlán sometimes is my "second home" during the blustery and snowy St. Paul, Minnesota winter, I'm extending an invitation to you to enjoy the Carnaval. Photos are contibutions of Zoe Jussel, a year-round Mazatlán resident. Here are her own words:
"The lights are up, the stages are being built, the gates erected and some creative and fun statues/sculptures being placed around the city. I think Carnaval is around the corner and I for one, love the noise, crowds, the parade and the fireworks."
We're leaving for Mazatlán after Carnaval ends, unfortunately, but I can enjoy it through Zoe's photos. Jim is relieved that we won't see it this year, but I feel as Zoe does. I love the noise, the colour, and the pagantry. The parade is awesome!!
(PS. I wonder how many CDP rules I violated with this post?!)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Meet Lleyton, an ELFIN EARTHING who at 9 months of age is walking!! His gait is still a bit unsteady, but his EXCELLENT smile and EXUBERANT personality captivated all onlookers at a local cafe. His mother is in a run for her money!!
To see what other bloggers from around the world posted for the letter "E" click here.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday Brunch
I think I'll take a break from An Apple-a-Day project until later this week. I need to go back to the gallery to take some better photos. Don't worry, I'll be back with more apple renditions as well as the photo of the one I bought for my "room of my own." So stick around!
In the meantime, I invite you to enjoy sharing our Sunday brunch at a new cafe, Patisserie 46, in "that other city" (Minneapolis). I had a veggie quiche with tomatoes, onions, and goat cheese and DH had a baquette sandwich literally stuffed with brie and ham. Both were excellent, so if you're in that neighborhood, hustle on over for sandwiches, soups, quiches, and unbelievably decadent pastries.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
An Apple A Day #3-Camera Critters: Appaloosa
This beautiful Appaloosa is part of the Apple-a-Day Project that I started posting last Friday (check here). A very different concept of Apple...but it works! It's one of the paintings in the month of November.
I'm also posting it for the Camera Critters meme. Check here to see more of those post from bloggers around the world.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
An apple a Day #2
For a description of this "Apple A Day" Project check yesterday's post.
The Collection for the month of June in its entirety is extraordinary in itself. To get the full effect, one would have to buy all the paintings so I decided to pass, although I love the whole effect.
"We took our freedom. Egypt is born again. "
Friday, February 11, 2011
An Apple A Day
Several years ago an art teacher in the school where I used to teach went through a stressful period when a medical condition sapped her strength and energy. In order to keep painting, she decided to do one painting a day for a limited period of time. What to paint?
She grabbed an apple out of the refrigerator and explained, "I chose the apple for my first composition because of its simplicity and availability. Completing a work in less than an hour and considering it a study was the goal."
Last night I went to the opening reception of her exhibition. The paintings and drawings were arranged by calendar month and date. Here you can see the art work for both January and November. Comparing the two months you can tell that the subjects became more varied and whimsical as time passed.
Of course I bought one that she painted in July, but I won't show you my purchase for a few more days. Stick around, come back tomorrow to see more.
Below these two you can see one of the paintings in the November collection.
She grabbed an apple out of the refrigerator and explained, "I chose the apple for my first composition because of its simplicity and availability. Completing a work in less than an hour and considering it a study was the goal."
Last night I went to the opening reception of her exhibition. The paintings and drawings were arranged by calendar month and date. Here you can see the art work for both January and November. Comparing the two months you can tell that the subjects became more varied and whimsical as time passed.
Of course I bought one that she painted in July, but I won't show you my purchase for a few more days. Stick around, come back tomorrow to see more.
Below these two you can see one of the paintings in the November collection.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
A primer might take the mystery out of cheeses, if unfamiliar. Then no-one could complain that you're an unenlightened cheesehead!
"People who know nothing about cheeses reel away from Camembert, Roquefort, and Stilton because the plebeian proboscis is not equipped to differentiate between the sordid and the sublime." Harvey Day
"People who know nothing about cheeses reel away from Camembert, Roquefort, and Stilton because the plebeian proboscis is not equipped to differentiate between the sordid and the sublime." Harvey Day
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
The sign that one would see when leaving the Como Zoo and Conservatory is written in languages that show the DIVERSITY of people living in St. Paul: English, Somali, Hmong, and Spanish. Admission is free, but DONATIONS are always welcomed!
To see and enjoy posts for ABC WEDNESDAY posted by bloggers throughout the world, click here.
Coy Koi
Before leaving the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory photos behind, I thought that you might like to see the Koi fish that are happily swimming around in several small ponds scattered around the building.
Monday, February 07, 2011
The Lombardi Trophy
Curly Lambeau and Vince Lombardi
The Lombardi Trophy goes home to Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconsin where it belongs!
The Green Bay Packers 31 The Pittsburgh Steelers 25
I seek your indulgence! The image of the trophy is not mine, but the other three were taken during our annual trips "home" to visit relatives and to introduce my grandkids to the Shrine and the lore of the Packers. After the game Sunday night I think I will be forgiven for bending the rules of CDP.
Click on the images to get a better look at the statues, which I know you want to do!!
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Game Day!!
I wasn't tempted to "sign up for the Coolest Deals of the Day." As I mentioned yesterday, I fled back to my car after just a short time viewing the ice sculptures. This friendly young woman cheerfully said "good bye" to me just as I cheerfully bid the Winter Carnival farewell for another year. Next year I will dress much warmer and stay longer.
Gearing up for the big game today..."Touchdown!"
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Canine Critters at the Carnival
There were quite a few dogs in Rice Park, looking at the ice sculptures with their owners. This handsome critter was the largest dog that I saw during the short period of time I wandered through the park. My hands got cold as I snapped pictures so I fled back to my warm car.
Click photo to enlarge: To see more camera critters, stop by here.
Click photo to enlarge: To see more camera critters, stop by here.
Friday, February 04, 2011
Do a Good Deed!
My friend Will has the right idea, methinks!
"How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world."
Thursday, February 03, 2011
The Ice Throne
This young couple decided to rest on the Ice Throne. Yes, they could pass for royalty, coveted roles in the St. Paul Winter Carnival!
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
"At the opening of Unitarian Universalist worship services, many congregations light a flame inside a CHALICE.. This flaming chalice has become a well-known symbol of its denomination. The flame and the chalice were brought together by an Austrian artist, Hans Deutsch, in 1941. Living in Paris during the 1930's, Deutsch drew critical cartoons of Adolf Hitler. When the Nazis invaded Paris in 1940 he abandoned all he had and fled. Deutsch was asked by the Unitarian Service Committee to design a symbol to make false documents look official for those people who escaped and were fleeing overrun countries at the time. The flaming chalice design was made into a seal for papers and a badge for agents moving refugees to freedom. In time it became a symbol of Unitarian Universalism all around the world for new truths that pass the tests of reason, justice, and compassion." (Credit: Brochure: The Flaming Chalice, by Daniel D. Hotchkiss)
This flaming chalice stands in the sanctuary of Unity Unitarian Church on Grotto Avenue in St. Paul, MN.
To see more ABC posts submitted by bloggers from around the world, click here.
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Theme Day-February, 2011
"The Source" by Alonzo Hauser in Rice Park
This fountain is a favorite resting place for visitors to this lovely little park in downtown St. Paul, a square bordered by the Central Library, Ordway Theatre, the Landmark Center, and the St. Paul Hotel. Photographed by visitors and photo bloggers, too, the lovely young maiden has appeared on my blog before as well as other Twin City bloggers. Obviously this photo was not taken during the Winter Carnival but in a softer and gentler season. To see another favorite fountain on Kellogg Blvd. in St. Paul, click here.
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