Tuesday, June 03, 2014

University Club-ABC WEDNESDAY "U"

St. Paul Private Club
F. Scott celebrated here
Summit Avenue

Linking to ABC Wednesday

The well-established University Club has been a gathering place for generations for young and old, famous as well as infamous.  F. Scott Fitzgerald was a frequent guest. In the current basement area stands a large, long mahogany bar completely covered from end-to-end with carved initials and names of past patrons and guests. When I first learned this bit of interesting St. Paul history, I tried to find F. Scott Fitzgerald's and Zelda's names as well as those of other St. Paul citizens on the bar. Because there were so many, I never found Fitzgerald's name but to my delight, I found  my mother-in-law's name.  Seems that this very proper "lady" that I knew who was usually dressed in white gloves and a hat perhaps wasn't always as she appeared, when she was a beautiful young woman.  My only regret is that I did not make this discovery before our children's "grandma" died because I certainly would have had a lot of fun with my interesting find!


  1. That building looks very pretty, very inviting.

  2. What a distinguished-looking building. I think I remember it. Did you find my initials? That's funny about your grandmother. One never knows what might come up when you start digging into the past!

  3. OH MY! What a surprise to find your mother-in-law's name. I guess your husband has lived in the St. Paul area all or most of his life, then? The club building looks quite exclusive.

  4. what a beautiful place and a fun surprise!!

  5. What a great find! It's kind of like un-masking the past. Such a beautiful place.

  6. how very neat that you found her name! what a marvelous ivy-covered building!

  7. If those walls could talk what stories they could tell!

  8. I've always loved the University Club - but have never been there. One day perhaps!

  9. How neat to find a piece of personal history there!

  10. Love the architectural style here Kate, sort of a corner angle. It can be quite surprising what you might find out about folk when they've gone.. my sisters and I made a discovery about my Mum that made us chuckle.. gosh I miss her!

  11. How fun! Isn't it amazing the questions we didn't ask the past generations? Hopefully our kids will forget too :) Janey

  12. What an elegant building.
    How delightful, Kate, to find your MIL's initials there.

  13. UNIQUE post - how much fun would that be to scour the bar looking for famous names! What a grand building, too!

    abcw team

  14. A nifty building!


  15. interesting post.

    frankly my dear

  16. I would have loved being there

    PhenoMenon, ABCW Team

  17. The edifice looks quite charming.

  18. What a fun find!!! I'll bet she's chuckling somewhere in the ethers...

  19. This is a grand place. The equivalent place in Hartford is on the ropes. These days, business people can't spend two hours having leisurely lunches, and companies no longer pick up the tab.

  20. Looks like you would need a coat and tie to enter, beautiful structure.


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