Saturday, January 13, 2018

Early Morning

It is currently still -5 degrees F at 11a.m. but it was much colder when Wild Wendy and I got up this morning. I just could not bring myself to take her for a  walk or to take photos.  Instead I went to our upstairs porch and photographed part of St. Kate's campus.  It would look much better without those lines across the photo, but what's a girl to do in Minnesota weather? The bottom photo is of WW, waiting for her early morning walk.  But what's a girl to do in this weather?!


  1. Wendy may appreciate the delay in her walk once she realizes how cold it is out there.

  2. She looks quite patient.

  3. It's the wind that is making it feel so cold here today but I think your weather is heading here tomorrow!

  4. ouch! I just googled what the temperature would be in celsius - that's mega low. Hope you're warm and cosy there.

  5. I've heard tales of your weather recently. You just have to remember how nice Minnesota is during the spring, summer and fall! But please let WW go out for a quick wee wee! :)

  6. A girl's gotta do what a girl can do in that kind of weather Kate :) Can you believe it's the exact opposite here, 35C, I don't know which is worse :)

  7. WW is adorable and I simply want to hug her. She has the cutest look in her eyes!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  8. Yes, when there is no need to go out just stay in, very wise!

  9. Very nice. A Beautiful sky and a Sweet dog

  10. Brrrr....I don't blame you! That really is way too cold to be outside.

  11. Minnesota cold is cold. Staying in a enjoying a hot beverage is a wonderful and smart decision. Just tell WW, you made an executive decision to stay in and she'll understand. Give her a treat and she'll be in love with that decision. :)


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