Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Two Viewpoints

When in downtown St. Paul there are two large buildings, the State Capitol and the Cathedral, that can be seen from many vantage points. The Cathedral as shown in these photos can be viewed as an impressive building with a dome in a rather attractive setting but in the other it shows that it's really a part of a busy city.  I rather like the one with the traffic signals because it is clear the the church is part of an urban setting … my city, my world.

Linking to Our World Tuesday


  1. I agree...the light puts it in its habitat. Of course, the cathedral has had its problems in the fairly recent past, but hope that's over now.

  2. I think I've been inside this one. I think my friend took me there on a visit I made while she was living in St. Paul. That would have been 20 years ago so my memory is a bit vague.

  3. Beautiful, in both cases!

  4. I prefer the first

  5. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Beautiful photos, wish I could visit. By the way, when you left a comment on my blog, you did not type your own blog url properly. You might check that so that in the future people can easily visit you back.

  6. The dome looks lovely in both, Kate!

  7. Awesome shots of a fantastic piece of history!

  8. Yes, I agree, the photo with the traffic lights is my choice too.


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