Sunday, March 05, 2017

Masonic Children's Hospital

While driving to a movie near the University of Minnesota campus, I saw this building, the Masonic Children's Hospital, for the first time. Unaware that it was there,  I was struck by the cheerful colors that really sparkled in the sun, brightening the landscape.  The traffic light was changing so I had to move quickly.  I intend to return to photograph it in more detail.  So much has changed since I studied on the campus so I need to go back to enjoy the campus again.


  1. I love the colors! Our children's hospital is lined with colorful neon. I've been meaning to get a photo of it at night but I never seem to get the job done.

  2. Those are great colors on this Children's Hospital. Perhaps it makes it less of a scary place for children.

  3. That is pretty Kate!

  4. My last year at the U of M was 1959. But then I got smart and moved south. :) That is a fun building.

  5. That looks hard to miss. I hope the inside is as colorful and welcoming.


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