Thursday, January 22, 2009

Galas-Inauguration, January 20, 2009

Courtesty of the New York Times


  1. How lovely they are and so in love.

    I'm so thrilled for our country.



    nice blog!

  2. Anonymous12:25 AM

    I smiled and smiled and then smiled some more yesterday. I'm still smiling today. Your pictures are a memory I will long remember.

  3. "Comme si sur la terre il n'y avait que nous
    Plissant les yeux mi-clos jusqu'au bout de la nuit
    Dansons, joue contre joue
    Dansons, joue contre joue" Aznavour

    c'est beau, et cela fait rever...

    En réponse a ta question, je vais une fois par un a NYC et j'essaye d'y aller une dizaine de jours a chaque voyage, c'est ma ville adorée.

    "As if on earth there was that we
    Squint half closed until the end of the night
    Danson, playing against plays
    Dance, plays against playing "Aznavour

    it is beautiful, and it is dream ...

    In response to your question, I will once one NYC and I try to go ten days each trip, my beloved city.

  4. Great photos! Way better than what I saw on TV.

  5. Je voulais te prévenir que demain tu seras tagguer par moi, voir mon post de demain pour connaitre les règles.

    I wanted to prevent that tomorrow you will be tagg by me, see my post tomorrow to know the rules.

  6. On dirait les mariés sur une pièce montée

  7. Oh happy day - one I'll never forget.

  8. What great pictures...I hadn't seen these yet....nice ones.

  9. you tricked me Kate, at first i thought it's a porcelain plate (but of course that would be too tacky).


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