The Commodore
"The Commodore Hotel has been a landmark location in St. Paul for over 70 years. An early advertisement read "A high class Residential Service that features, among other things, the 'Homelike spirit' and a location in the most aristocratic and quiet section of the city." Socialites and flappers, businessmen, writers and artists of all sorts found their way to the Commodore, attracted by the same things then that appeal today... marvelous Art Deco decoration and comfortable furnishings, a wonderful location in a glamourous and convenient neighborhood and a relaxed, welcoming style that makes you feel right at home.
Prior to 1978 the Commodore was a residential hotel and home to such notables as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Sinclair Lewis. In 1912 Fitzgerald wrote: 'We got to the Commodore in St. Paul, and while the leaves blew up the street we waited for our children to be born.'"(From http://www.universityclubofstpaul.com/commodore.html)
The top photo is an older more familiar sign that St. Paulite's readily recognize, but the striped awning was added after major renovation and addition of residental units. If you would like to learn more about St. Paul's favorite son, FScott Fitzgerald visit
this website, which is wonderfully informative. Want more? Check my earlier Fitzgerald unit with photos of his birthplace, school, and childhood homes, which begins
here from November 10, 2006 to November 14, 2006.