Stillwater, Mn, situated on the St. Croix River, is a picturesque former lumber town that is filled with lovely old homes, restaurants, antique shops and various other stores that are filled with boaters and tourists, especially in the idyllic summer months. Because of the recent tragic collapse of the 35W bridge in Minneapolis, a spotlight has been shown on other bridges throughout the country. The Stillwater bridge spans the St. Croix, connecting cities in Minnesota and Wisconsin. A new bridge has been on the drawing board for years, but several lawsuits have been filed opposing a new structure because of its historical significance and environmental issues on the river. The bridge has a 2.8 safety score on a 100 point scale, and if I lived in Stillwater, I don't think that I would use it!! For more information, check
this Wiki article for the whole scoop.
The water looks still ... I agree. I would not use the bridge. It may be too unsafe to repair.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad old bridges have to go sometimes, but that sounds like a really big risk.
ReplyDeleteJe suis d'accord avec toi, maintenant il faut voir les problemes de securite
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, now it is necessary to see the problems of safety
Yikes! That is scary information.
ReplyDeleteA score of 2.8 out of 100?! Ouch!
ReplyDeleteThe Wiki story mentions that it could be converted to a pedestrian and bike bridge. That sounds like a super idea.
my gosh, 2,8 from 100. It means its very dangerous. Why they dont remove or rebuild it?
ReplyDeleteWhat a dilemma! I checked the wiki-article and really understand that here is a problem! So, another bridge seems to be clarly needed! maybe this ones can be kept for pedestrains, bikers... Would really be a pity to tear it down.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful bridge but goodness, I'm with you on the safety, especially after the recent tragedy.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me think of the structure of the Eiffel Tower. The lanscape around is great.
ReplyDeleteA historic bridge, but where safety is concerned, it has to go and soon.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a kid, we lived in Vidalia, Louisiana on the banks of the Mississippi. The river there is over half a mile wide and the two lane bridge was a much needed highway. I never once went across that bridge that they weren't sandblasting and repainting it.
ReplyDeleteMy Dad knew a man that worked on those crews, he told my Dad that they started at one end sandblasting off any rust and repainting and worked their way to the other end. Then they would go back to the beginning and start over. He worked many years doing that.
The moral of the story is that steel bridges by their very nature require constant upkeep.
The rust I see on the bridge you have photographed here was never seen on the one from Vidalia to Natchez. If it has gone long enough to rust that badly I would be terrified to cross it.
Sounds like walking on thin ice. I hope something is done about this bridge!
ReplyDeleteThe scenery is nice :)
ReplyDeleteIt certainly looks like an accident waiting to happen.
ReplyDeleteOf course, when it does collapse they'll be able to build a new one and it'll be too late to save it as a pedestrian bridge.
Nice shot, I prefer the second one.
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me the Kwai River's one in Thailand !
After reading the article, I don't think I would use it. I am amazed they still have it open.
ReplyDeleteIs this the same bridge, Kate? I think there's only one but yours looks so different from mine.