Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Jan, A Cancer Survivor

Jan, who was on the breast cancer walk, got to carry one of the pink banners because she is a cancer survivor. Jan owns one of the consignment shops that I visit regularly and where I photographed my July Red Theme Day photograph. Despite being a good-sized town, St Paul is really St. Small when it comes to knowing one another. I feel privileged to know Jan--another one of my courageous women friends. Please click here to see some more photographs I took of women involved in the walk I observed last Sunday.


  1. Yes, she sure has earned the moniker of Brave Jan.

  2. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I agree that these are courageous women. I don't think anyone could go through that battle and not come out stronger and more courageous on the other end.

  3. Great photo! Glad to see your friend doing well and beating the big C.

  4. It's great to know that a large city can be "small" in terms of being people-friendly.

  5. Beau portrait et beau combat. il faut beaucoup de force pour se battre contre "Le Crabe" (surnom en France du cancer)

    Beautiful portrait and beautiful combat. one needs much force to fight against “Crab” (nickname in France of cancer)

  6. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Cancer is such a deadliest disease around, it was very nice knowing about this courageous woman. Thanks for sharing with us....some shots nice shots there!


  7. She looks like a very determined woman!

  8. This is a great picture of Jan. Its so wonderful that there are more and more survivors all the time.

  9. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Cancer is a demon and Jan an angel. My wife is a cancer survivor too. Breast cancer twice.

  10. A lot of courage is needed, but more and more fights are won! Unfortunately not yet all.

  11. Bravo for Jan and all these brave women. Also, bravo to Saint Paul for being Saint Small. Knowing one-another is a blessing.

  12. My admiration and love to Jan and all the cancer survivors!

    (I participated in one of those walks once. The indominable spirit of the survivors was palpable!)

  13. Lovely shot - your friend looks like a real hero.

  14. Anonymous3:31 PM

    an inspiration for us all...

  15. Congrats to Jan, I wish her well! My co-worker's wife walked the 3 day event, proud to help.

  16. My friend is walking the 3-day in Atlanta. Theirs happens in Oct. Hooray for Jan and all the walkers who are honoring survivors and victims.


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