Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The Monster Dash
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
West side Tienda
One of several murals on the outside wall of a tienda on the west side of St. Paul that has a large and thriving Mexican and Central American population.
Added Later: Several people expressed surprise that St. Paul has a sizable Mexican and Spanish- speaking community. Here is what I found re. its history:
The West Side continues to be home to third and fourth-generation Mexican immigrants, as well as 21st-century first-generation Mexican immigrants. The Neighborhood House continues to serve the needs on the residents of the lower West Side. Since the lock and dam system on the Upper Mississippi River was completed in the 1950s, flooding on the West Side flats has become a rarity, and quality housing for low- and middle-income families has been built there. Much of the activity is now geared toward preserving Mexican traditions, with programs to celebrate music, ballet, and history of the Mexican immigrants in Saint Paul. The West Side bustles each year to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, El Grito, and Día de la Independencia.
Linking to Monday Murals
Sunday, October 26, 2014
The Big Debate
Our sweet Maggie being treated at the University of Minnesota Vet Clinic. We are having a highly emotional family debate regarding her future. Despite (or because of) my love for her, I am in favor of "putting her down" but I have been strongly outvoted. It is amazing what modern medicine can do even for animals and she has rallied somewhat with the help of drugs and treatment. Perhaps Mother Nature will be the one that ultimately determines her fate.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Unwelcome Sight
These look good, but they are an unwelcome sight. The Green Bay side of the Door County Peninsula has already been overbuilt by developers that entice the tourist trade, and, unfortunately, it is an increasing trend on the Lake Michigan side. The County has lost much of its charm from the area I knew as a kid. I still prefer the quaint, small cottage-like buildings and old-fashioned resorts in the villages that line the peninsula. Progress? Sigh!!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Orchard Market-ABC WEDNESDAY "O"
Wood Orchard Market located in the village of Egg Harbor is a mainstay on Door County. Pies, pastries, jams, jellies, flavored butters, and Peninsula cherries are some of the local products and delicacies. Loyal fans, the market also promotes the Green Bay Packers! Although I moved to a neighboring state, I, too, am still a fan of both the County and the Packers!!
Monday, October 20, 2014
Step Right Up!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
The Place to Be!
The Beachfront Inn has a wonderful location on the Lake Michigan side of the Door County, WI peninsula. Besides being dog friendly it has lakeside views, an outdoor swimming pool, and a beachside firepit for evening bonfires.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Vacation
Baileys Harbor, Door County, Wisconsin
With apologies to Judith Viorst, Alexander is not the only one who has bad days. Our drive to Door County from St. Paul was relentless rain, which has not stopped. Worse is that our 13-year-old-dog, Maggi who is with us, is very sick. We visited a wonderful vet clinic in Green Bay that communicated with Maggi's regular vet at the U of Mn; it's determined that she has kidney failure.
The autumn leaves are at its peak but Maggi's autumn years are about to end. We will leave for home early. My break has been short-lived!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Monday, October 13, 2014
Major Overhaul
Saint Paul Academy is embarking on building an addition to the school which will open after a great deal of work has been completed. The design focuses on a spectacular Performing Arts Center with additional space that will overhaul the entire appearance of the school. Stay tuned for more additional photos as the work progresses.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Fall Decorations
Linking to Camera Critters
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Herman Miller Chair
After eating a delicious luncheon plate at Foxy Filafel cafe I browsed at Succotash, a vintage shop at 781 Raymond Avenue in St. Paul and was attracted to this chair manufactured by Herman Miller. I liked the finish and curve of the wood. I don't know if this is a "typical" price for this style chair, but others on eBay have similar or higher prices depending on the kind and quality of the wood. The shop is designed well without the appearance of clutter. The center aisle is wide and the shelves with many items do not appear crowded. Fun to browse there.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Thursday Challenge-Shiny: Highland Park Neighborhood Library
Not quite finished yet, but the Highland Park neighborhood library is scheduled to open on November 16, and I am anxiously waiting. I am a loyal patron of libraries. Love them all!! The shiny windows promising lots of interior natural light.
Linking to Thursday Challenge
Thursday, October 09, 2014
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
Moon!! Guest Photographer
I got up early this morning, brewed some coffee, donned a warm jacket, and watched the amazing eclipse. I did not take this spectacular photo, but a friend of mine did. Intrepid photographer, Carla Beard, crawled out of a second floor window and stood on the roof to capture this image! What a great photographer!!
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
Monday, October 06, 2014
The Lexington
For three restaurant guys who grew up in St. Paul, owning the Lexington on Grand Avenue is a dream come true. Josh Thoma, Jack Riebel and Kevin Fitzgerald are still pinching themselves.
Recently, as they showed off every nook and cranny of the building, which has occupied the corner of Grand Avenue and Lexington Parkway since 1935, the new owners were as reverent as they were excited about reviving the restaurant. (Credit:
For many generations this venerable St. Paul restaurant had been the launching pad for political campaigns, a hangout for St. Paul Winter Carnival royalty and a see-and-be-seen spot for St. Paul movers and shakers. I would be hard-pressed to find someone I know in St. Paul who hasn't been there. It will be interesting to see the make-over.
Sunday, October 05, 2014
Mystery Place
All right you Twin Citians and visitors, here's a challenge for you. Identify this well-known building that has been here for generations! No other clue!! I'll identify it tomorrow.
Saturday, October 04, 2014
Friday, October 03, 2014
Thursday, October 02, 2014
Scarborough Fair -2
Last June I visited Scarborough Fair, a very cool shop on 961 West 7th Street in St. Paul and posted some very cool summer chapeaus. I made a return visit last Tuesday because a relative had a reception there for her art show and paintings that were hanging in the store. In addition to the paintings, I spied some attractive winter hats. This is the shop to visit for smart clothes and very sharp hats!!
Tomorrow I'll show you some of the paintings.

Tomorrow I'll show you some of the paintings.
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
Movement: October 1, 2014 Theme Day
Water is such an obvious choice, but I couldn't resist posting this fountain!
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