Monday, April 27, 2009

"April is the Cruelest Month"

In MN "April is the cruelest month" when it is gray, overcast, rainy, and gloomy as it has been for the past few days. The blossoms by my neighbor's gate, however, give me some hope that spring and warmer, sunny weather is on its way!


  1. I was away in Morocco when you returned from Mexico to Minnesota. Welcome back. I hope Spring arrives and stays in Minnesota soon. I talked to my brother, who lives in Minnesota, yesterday, and he lamented that it was rainy and cold and he needed to install a new boat dock behind his house.

  2. elle est vraiment mignonne cette maison, avec ces deux cerisiers.
    it is really cute this home, with these two cherry trees.

  3. It'll soon be there :)

  4. Not true everywhere! Have you ever tried "April in Paris"? :-)


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