Thursday, October 30, 2008

What is it?

This obviously is (or was) a common farm tool. I cannot identify it because I've spent my life in urban areas, and I'm ignorant of its purpose. Who can identify its role in life?


  1. un monstre ;o)) je dirais une machine pour labourer des champs

    a monster ;o)) I would say a machine to plow fields

  2. It looks like a harrow to me though I have no idea what sort. It's used for breaking up the soil.
    I just can't resist a quiz...

  3. I have the same one in my little farm...
    It is used to break up large clods of earth in fields...

  4. Oh, yeah, right! One of! Looks like it would be used for tilling the soil, but I'm not much good on farm equipment, either!

  5. Looks rather plow-like.

  6. It looks to be an old farming Grapple Rake

  7. i think it's a tiller, for tilling the soil. breaking up the soil in long rows, for planting.

  8. I would say some kind of tiller, but I've only ever lived in urban areas too!

  9. Anonymous8:19 AM

    It is a disk or maybe spelled disc. It is pulled by a tractor after the farm field has been plowed or the earth turned over or upside down. This has disks that turn but are set on an angle so that they cut into and spread apart the clods or chunks of solid soil.

    A harrow (which someone mentioned) is similar except is a platform that is usually made of wood and may have 4 or more cross beams. On each cross beam are iron spikes that breaks up the soil. Hooked on behind these are usually the same kind of wood pieces with rocks on the top for added weight. The harrow iron spikes breaks up the soil and then any lumps are crushed into smaller pieces with this flat thing with the stones on it. I forget what that part of it is called.

    My mom saved a young child once who was rolled over by this kind of disk. He was sitting on the fender over a giant tractor wheel and his father was driving the tractor. They were disking the plowed field. The boy fell off and the disk passed over his body.

    Fortunately, he was cut up but not killed because the soil was soft from the disk and he was pressed into it and survived.

    I am doing something different on my Gordon, Ohio blog. I set out to photograph and describe every house in the village where I was born.

    Gordon, Ohio

  10. Hello Kate, I was going to say a disk harrow, but I guess Abraham knows far more about farm things than me!!
    I finally posted something, lol, I don't know how you keep turning out gems :)

  11. When I read this post I thought to myself that Abe would know, and he did! My answer was a dragging thing for the dirt!

  12. I would say a tiller to turn over the soil. Not sure since i am definitely a city gal all the way.

  13. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Definitely a plower like most mentioned.

  14. Anonymous10:16 AM

    It's a disc harrow, I believe- used for getting the ground in a field ready for planting.


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