Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Positive Medical Care!

This is how I felt yesterday after ten miserable days of illness, which got increasingly more difficult with each passing day. Just as I was praying for a quick, relatively painless death, a young woman swept me into her office and diagnosed pneumonia. After just ONE antibiotic pill, I feel human again and am ready to go out to vote today. Praise the miracle of modern medicine!


  1. Hurray - you are on the mend!

  2. I also was diagnosed with pneumonia a while back and I also got an antibiotic which resolved the issue. So glad that you're feeling so much better! The jogger is Lois Anne and I'm sure you would enjoy jogging about the Trilogy community!

  3. I'd go to a doctor very soon

  4. Glad you're making a comeback!

  5. I'm hoping you're a long way from that fellow in the photo.

  6. Great!!!!
    And your vote will make a difference!! I am watching from up north.... : )

  7. Antibiotics, IMHO, are highly under-appreciated. :-)

  8. Oh how horrible it is being sick. I am so glad you are getting better now.

  9. Oh my gosh Kate.. that was serious! Thank heavens for anti biotics.. I know you would have been so upset if you weren't able to vote. Take it easy for a few days ✨

  10. Oh wow, pneumonia can be very serious. I hope your dose of medicine gets the job done fast. Take care of yourself.

  11. I hope you're doing much better by now. Take good care of yourself!

  12. Kate, I'm glad to hear you are doing better! Take care!

  13. You are a survivor! Yea! Now get outside take your camera and show us Minnesota in all its fall/pre-winter glory!

  14. Praise indeed! Happy to hear that you are on the road to recovery. That header with the Fall colors along the Mississippi is beautiful.


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