Friday, November 30, 2018

A Favorite Neighbor

This soulful canine is one of our favorite neighbors! On August 30th, I introduced you to our new neighbors, a young family that moved in next door.  Both Frankie the dog and  JJ the baby bring a smile to my face whenever I see them. Occasionally when I drive up to my house I can see Frankie peering out the window to greet my arrival.  Perhaps he'd like to go out for a walk?!


  1. A friendly face to watch your arrival!

  2. What a cutie. I bet he would love to go for a walk.

  3. Love Labrador dogs, so placid.

  4. At first I thought he was in jail becuase he was loose. :) Frankie is a cutie!

  5. I am sure Frankie would love to come out to play and go for a walk. What a sad looking face.

  6. Frankie is a handsome lad. He looks pained to be unable to come out to greet you with a wag.

  7. Our neighbours have dogs that are used for pig hunting. I must admit I won't even stick my nose over the fence to see them in their enclosure just in case they think I am a pig.

    This one looks like a much more friendly neighbour.

  8. He looks a bit sad to sit inside.

  9. Frankie is gorgeous Kate, that sweet face is precious looking out at you 😊

  10. I bet he'd like to come out and play.


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