Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Another Rice Park Statue

Today in Minnesota History: 1948- Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra conductor Dimitri Mitropoulous announces that he has taken a position with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Antal Dorati is hired to replace him. (Referenced: MNHS:ORG)
Friday, December 29, 2006
Mi Casa in Mazatlán, México!

Target Date: January 7, 2007!
I realize that I'm violating the rule of posting photographs from one's own city only, but since it may be awhile before I'm able to establish a Mazatlán Daily Photo Blog I assume it's acceptable. So my friends, here it is--my humble abode in the heart of El Centro in Mazatlán!! (I'll keep posting from St. Paul until I leave, though!)
Thursday, December 28, 2006
The St. Paul Hotel

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
How Did I Miss This?

Today in Minnesota History: 1906- Mahnomen County is formed. Mahnomen is an Ojibwe word for "wild rice." (Reference: MNHS:ORG) An aside: Wild rice is a wonderful regional grain, absolutely delicious when prepared correctly,which is a challenge if you are unfamiliar with it!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Want a postcard?

Today in Minnesota History: 1990 - Sister Mary Giovanni Gourhan, founder in 1963 of Guadalupe Area Project alternative school, dies. A native of West St. Paul, Gourhan ran an unorthodox school, teaching the basics plus Mexican history and effective living and meditation techniques. The school continues her mission today. (Reference: MNHS:ORG)
Monday, December 25, 2006
More Street Art

On December 25 in 1842 - The first U.S. flag in St. Paul is raised on a pole in front of Richard Mortimer's house. Born in England, Mortimer had served successively in both the British and American armies and been a commissary and quartermaster sergeant at Fort Snelling before settling in upper St. Paul. The flag flies briefly and then is cut down by "some wicked scamp" from the lower—and rival—part of town. (Reference: MNHS:ORG)
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Eve, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Moose Drool?

Today in Minnesota History: 1926 - Robert Bly is born in Madison. A poet, translator, editor, and activist in the men's movement, he would write numerous books, including the best-selling nonfiction work on men and myth, Iron John: A Book About Men.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Christmas in My Neighborhood #8

Christmas is getting closer--wreaths are disappearing from the wall as sales are made. I think that I am saturated with Christmas posts so I need to find something else now. If we're lucky we'll get some of that snow that has paralyzed Colorado--then I'll have a new challenge to photograph!
Today in Minnesota History: 1881-This winter may be the snowiest winter in St. Paul history, but there are no consistent records to prove it. (Reference: MNHS.ORG) Unlike this year!!
México Countdown: 17 more days!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Oh Tannenbaum! Christmas in My Neighborhood #6
Monday, December 18, 2006
Christmas in My Neighborhood #5

Today in Minnesota History: 1985- Mary Lund is the first woman to receive a Jarvik-7 artificial heart, in Minneapolis. The device keeps her alive for about a month, until a real heart is transplanted. (Reference: MNHS:ORG)
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Christmas NOT in My Neighborhood!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006
Man's Best Friend

Today in Minnesota History: 1889- The Minneapolis Public Library opens. (Reference: MNHS:ORG)
Friday, December 15, 2006
Christmas in My Neighborhood #4

This is a simple holiday decoration in my favorite bakery/cafe, called Bread and Chocolate, located on Grand Avenue. For a summer photo of this same spot, click here.
Today in Minnesota History: 1892 J. Paul Getty is born in Minneapolis. An entrepreneur, he would become a billionaire in the oil business, and he would bequeath much of his fortune to the Getty Trust, a philanthropic organization that supports the visual arts. (Reference: MNHS:ORG)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Christmas in My Neighborhood #3
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Christmas in My Neighborhood #2

Today in Minnesota History: 1994- Demolition begins on the Metropolitan Sports Center in Bloomington, former home of the North Stars professional hockey team and venue for entertainment events. (Reference: MNHS.ORG)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Neighborhood Food Coop

Today in Minnesota History: 1928 -The newly finished Foshay Tower, which would be Minneapolis's tallest building for nearly fifty years, is strung with lights and lit up like a Christmas tree. (Reference: MNHS.ORG)
Monday, December 11, 2006
Christmas in My Neighborhood

Today in Minnesota History: 1999 - St. Paul native Paul Molitor announces his retirement from baseball, having spent his final three seasons with the Minnesota Twins. His career hits numbered over 3,000, most of them from his years with the Milwaukee Brewers. (Reference: MNHS:ORG)
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Glockenspiel Doors

Today in Minnesota History: 1930 - Sauk Centre's Sinclair Lewis receives the Nobel Prize in Literature, the first American so honored. His popular titles include Main Street, Arrowsmith, Elmer Gantry, and Babbitt. (Reference: MNHS.ORG)
Saturday, December 09, 2006
An old church

Today in Minnesota History: 1890- The University Avenue streetcar line from Minneapolis to St. Paul begins operation. (Reference: MSHS:ORG)
Friday, December 08, 2006
A Christmas Carol

Today in MN history: 1863 - The First National Bank of St. Paul is organized, the first Minnesota bank chartered under the national banking act of 1863. Derived from a private bank owned by Parker Paine, it would eventually lose its name through a series of mergers, although there is still a First National Bank Building in St. Paul. (Reference: MNHS:ORG)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Double Wreaths

Several days ago Annie mentioned that it would be interesting to find wreaths in unlikely places. Well, this isn't one of those sites, but it's an attractive display by the homeowner.
Today in Minnesota history: 1941 - Outside of Pearl Harbor, the destroyer Ward, its crew primarily reservists from St. Paul, attacks and sinks a Japanese midget submarine, the first shots fired on the date of infamy. Inside the harbor, Minneapolis-born Captain Franklin van Valkenburgh is killed on the bridge of his ship, the USS Arizona. He would be awarded the Medal of Honor by Congress. (Reference: MSHS.ORG)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Outside the Blair Arcade

Minnesota History: Jane Grey Swisshelm, an outspoken critic of slavery and unequal treatment of women, moves to Minnesota in 1857 and publishes the St. Cloud Visiter newspaper.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
St Nicholas Eve

Today in Minnesota History: 1950 - A snowstorm lasting until December 8 drops thirty-five inches on Duluth and twenty-five on the Twin Cities.(Reference: MNHS.ORG)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Petro? No problem!!

Today in Minnesota History: 1928- A car bomb kills "Dapper Dan" Hogan, owner of St. Paul's notorious Green Lantern speakeasy and longtime boss of the city's underworld. AND. ..Many moons ago, Jim, the husband of Kate, the photoblogger, was born in St. Joseph's Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota. (Reference: MNHS:ORG)
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Another mural

Today in Minnesota History: 1842-Flour magnate Charles A. Pillsbury is born in New Hampshire. Moving to Minneapolis in 1869, he would learn the flour-milling business and help introduce roller mills that could crush Minnesota's spring wheat into high-grade bread flour. Upon his death in 1899, the Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Company would be the largest in the world. (Reference: MNHS:ORG)
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Theme Day #2

Today in MN history: 1858- The term "Land of Lakes" is first applied to Minnesota in St. Anthony Falls' paper, the Falls Evening News. (Reference: MNHS:ORG)
Friday, December 01, 2006
A Shaft of Light

Today in Minnesota History: 1872- During this month, smallpox is prevalent in many Minnesota towns and there are widespread calls for vaccination of all inhabitants. (Reference: MNHS.ORG)
Porto (Portugal) - Greenville (USA) - Evry (France) - Queens (USA) - Seattle, WA, (USA)[Kim] -Stayton , OR, (USA) - Albuquerque, NM (USA) - Joplin, MO (USA) - Singapore [Raymond] -Guadalajara, Mexico - Santiago, Chile - London (UK) - Jakarta (Indonesia) - Bandung (Indonesia) - Melbourne, Aust (John) - Phoenix, AZ (US) - Twin Cities, MN - Newcastle upon tyne (England) - St. Paul, MN (USA) Carol - Szentes (Hungary) - Tuzla (BiH) - St. Paul Kate - Dubai (U.A.E.) - Nelson (New Zealand) - Sharon, CT USA - Tenerife (Spain) - Auckland (New Zealand) - Budapest (Hungary) - Sydney, (Australia) [Sally] - Sequim, WA, (USA) - East Lansing, MI (USA) - Vantaa, (Finland) - Singapore [Zannnie] - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) - Shanghai, (China) -Sydney (Australia) [Nathalie] - Hyde (UK) - Akita City, (Japan) - Tokyo (Japan) - Rotterdam (The Netherlands) - Manila (Philippines) - Seattle, WA ( USA) [Susan] - Stavanger (Norway) - Hong Kong - Chattanooga, TN, (USA) -Barcelona (Spain) - Trujillo (Peru) - Naples FL, (USA) - Delta, CO (USA) - Buenos Aires, (Argentina) -Bastia, (France (Corsica)).
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Another friend!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Mixed Message
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Como Zoo

Today in Minnesota History: 1850- Aaron Goodrich, Minnesota Territory's first supreme court justice, is accused of adultery. An effort to impeach him fails, but President Millard Fillmore exercises his executive power to remove Goodrich from office in 1851. (Reference: MNSH.ORG)
Monday, November 27, 2006
Mystery Animal

On Saturday, my husband, granddaughter and I went to the Zoo. This interesting animal caught my eye. The first person who is able to identify it will receive a postcard from St. Paul. I think I'll keep the comments private for a few days, but don't let that deter you. Make a guess!!
"THE BEST LAID PLANS..." You folks are too smart for me! When I opened up the blog this morning, I was astonished to find the correct answer...already! And, I thought it was going to be difficult--you impress me again!! Post cards go to those who already correctly guessed.
Today in Minnesota History: 1930 - St. Paul's Frank B. Kellogg wins the Nobel Peace Prize. Kellogg had served as secretary of state during the Coolidge administration and as a judge on the Permanent Court of International Justice in The Hague. (Reference: MNHS.ORG)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
An Arresting Character

to see the wonderful Rain Forest!
Today in Minnesota History: 1869 - As photographer Charles Zimmerman of St. Paul tries to capture frozen Minnehaha Falls, he is struck by an icicle weighing several hundred pounds. He sustains severe bruises about the head, neck, and shoulders, but none of his bones are broken. (Reference: MNHS. ORG)
Saturday, November 25, 2006
A Minnesota Winter??!!

Today in Minnesota History: 1863 - The Second Minnesota and the rest of General George H. Thomas's Army of the Cumberland charge up Missionary Ridge near Chattanooga and defeat the Confederates holding the ridge. (Reference: MNHS>ORG)
Friday, November 24, 2006
Historical Summit House

Today in MN History: 1859- Architect Cass Gilbert is born in Ohio. Gilbert's family would move to St. Paul in 1868, and he would later begin his career there. Among his most recognizable buildings are the Minnesota State Capitol, the U.S. Supreme Court Building, and Manhattan's Woolworth Building. (Historical information taken from the MN Historical Society's website: mnhs.org)
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Gobble! Gobble!

Today in Minnesota History-2006 at the home of Kate Mura and Jim Neher, a Thanksgiving prayer, courtesy of William Shakespeare:
"Now join your hands, and with your hands your hearts." King Henry VI, Part 3.IV,vi.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Back to the Blair Arcade
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
This Side of Paradise

Today in Minnesota History: 1902- The steamer Bannockburn and its twenty-member crew is seen for the last time as it sets forth from Duluth, later disappearing somewhere on Lake Superior. (Reference: mnhs.org)
Monday, November 20, 2006
C'mon in!

This school art gallery exhibits both professional artists as well as student work. Because of the light reflecting from the windows, it's very difficult to capture the paintings if they're covered with glass. This one by a faculty art teacher is a good example of the rest of her work currently hanging in the gallery. To view the outside of the school building, visit this blog.
Today in Minnesota History: 1967 -The Nicollet Mall, a pedestrian walkway closed to traffic except buses, opens in downtown Minneapolis.. (Historical information: mnhs.org)
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