Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Blossoms

Spring is busting out all over...even in March.  Can't quite believe it.  Looks more like May in Minnesota.


  1. vive le printemps et ces fleurs, belle couleur

  2. such delicate blossoms. hope it stays balmy enough not to freeze those tender petals.

  3. Absolutely beautiful!

    Thank you for letting me know what happened to the CDP site. I really don't get what's the fun those hackers seem to have in destroying others' work. It's outrageous!

    You probably know about this, but here it goes anyway:

    "In case the portal is still down over this coming weekend, here is a page to help with the April CDPB Theme Day. Read and join in! Carry this message on your next post and in all your comments, to alert other members to this temporary method of keeping in touch!"

  4. Rather startling to see such! Lois mentioned that even on her birthday in May people sometimes had to wear heavy jackets. Global warming is going to change our weather, that's for sure! It's already changing Florida. With the rising seas, some areas of downtown Miami are already 3-4 inches underwater at high tide!

    Beautiful blossoms, though. I guess the thing to do is enjoy them while you can.

  5. Beautiful colors in your pics. I agree, it does seem early to have blossoms in Minnesota this time of year.

  6. Beautiful blooms! I can't get enough.

  7. Such a lovely shade of pink!

  8. I'm a sucker for pink flowers and these just suckered me right in! Gorgeous!

  9. A feast for the eyes!

  10. and what a debut! Thank you Mother Nature! (and Kate)....

  11. Beautiful! Really lovely shots. Are those dogwood?

  12. Beautifully clear close-ups. I'm envious.

  13. I took one almost like this on campus today, Kate! I'll post it later this week for you to compare. Forsythia are blooming everywhere in this neighborhood as well.

  14. I love the close ups.

  15. St. Paul is Pretty in Pink.

  16. I like pink flowers

  17. these are so pretty. i love them!
    just outside the building where i work are 3 or 4 such trees. they started blooming last week, when it was hot, and then... suddenly very cold again and the flowers dont look so good... :( not sure they will ever come to full bloom this year!


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