Monday, January 18, 2010

Soups On

My most recent sojourn into gourmet cooking shops was prompted by another blogger, Halcyon of Jackson, Mississippi, who responded to my request by posting on January 12, 2010, a photo of their family's spaetzle press.  I had tried to make these traditional noodles for my Christmas German-theme dinner, but managed just to make some small dumplings instead.  Tomorrow I'll show you the press I bought, which doesn't look at all like hers!


  1. une belle collection, de quoi faire de bons repas.........

  2. It's tempting when you go into some specialised shops like this one! So, we will see what you finally brought home!

  3. Ah, so this journey through the wild world of cooking utensils HAS resulted in a purchase. Can't wait to see what you chose.

  4. I love beans und spaetzle. Looking forward to seeing your press, which of course I didn't know even existed.

  5. I can see you are on a quest for good food. The dutch ovens are lovely; however, they must weigh 50 pounds when filled with food!!!


  6. Has your home cooking become better? Fun foto!

  7. Love all the different utensils. It would be wonderful to have a huge gourmet kitchen.

  8. I'm glad you found one! If you want long, thin noodles you could also use a potato ricer as a substitute.


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