Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This is what happens when the temperature dips below ZERO: the snow remains and ice forms (check yesterday's post for a photo of frozen water at Minnehaha Falls). Neither ice nor snow goes away. In the summer we often come to this park and eat delicious meals at an outdoor restaurant called Sea Salt. Without warm temperatures, umbrellas to shield us from the sun and good food to eat, I do not feel very ZIPPY with vim, vigor, or zip to my walk. To see other bloggers version of Z, click here:

IMP: I'm without a computer again for awhile and will have to use the library.  Long ugly story...don't ask! I do have something scheduled for the 15th so after that, who knows!!


  1. Make mine an ICED coffee and let's sit here and chat, shall we? :-)
    Fun shot, Kate.

  2. Good morning, Kate!
    That weather looks much worse than ours here in RI!
    Thanks so much for dropping by!

  3. toute cette neige, on a pas envie de s'assoir pour faire un pique nique ;o)) belle photo, c'est beau la neige

  4. Oops! Clutch in the car, and now your computer is acting up? 2010 is off to an inauspicious beginning. Sorry!

  5. It's very beautiful but I know - not practical. Sorry to hear of your computer woes. Hope they get solved SOON.

  6. Yep zero is not a nice time to be out and about.

  7. You're awfully good tempered with so many 'situations' to deal with. And your eye has not failed you in this image which is intriguing in the portal and so satisfying up close and personal.

  8. Kate, I applaud you for just getting out in that temperature with all that ice to take a picture!

  9. There will be no picnic today!!

  10. Your post makes me want to crawl back under the covers! BTW, I too wrote about zero.

  11. Oh yes, we also have that scenery here in MI. Couldn't complain just thanking that everybody is safe and warm. Thanks for sharing!


  12. Zero is popular today - and with good reason. I see that you have very good reasons for staying indoors. Pity about the, PC though.

  13. My sympathies on the computer Kate!!! One of the reasons I decided to go Mac!!! (which opened up a whole different set of issues as in internet connectivity re: home network, etc...)

  14. Very nice shot! I like the snow contrasting the tables. But I certainly wouldn't like to be sitting out there!!

    Hope your computer troubles get sorted out. My camera should be on its way home any day now. :D
    Did you have any luck with the spaetzle press? Maybe you could try a potato ricer as an ersatz?

  15. I bet your butt would stick to that seat.

  16. What a fun picture! Unless you were hoping to eat there, that is! LOL!

  17. Not enticing enough for a winter picnic certainly!

  18. It would be funny to try a picnic ther. I said try...
    Sorry for your computer, hope you'll be soon back online at home.

  19. Nice photo! It has so much texture!

  20. That's a great photo. I've had enough snow and ice recently, but I really like that.

    Thanks, the ABC Team.


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