Saturday, January 09, 2010

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel!

After paying a hefty bill for a clutch replacement, I finally got my car, the White Wizard, back last night after 6 housebound days. The temperature right now is -9.6 degrees F, and I'm not likely to venture out too far today either. In addition, during the winter months I do not  feel very motivated nor creative. If nothing else, eating is always an option.  These olives make a pretty boring photo, but they taste divine!! Plus they're good for you and it's better than Eating Animals (see my sidebar book list!)


  1. Glad the "White Wizard" is back! Will you just eat the olives plain as is or do you an olive cook book?
    Adios amiga

  2. I think those olives look very tasty!

  3. Once we took our daughters to a fancy restaurant when they were very little. They ordered the olive tray for their meal. What came to the table looked a lot like your post today. We carried home the leftovers (you can imagine that was a significant quantity). They ate olives for days and loved it!

  4. I'm not a big olive fan, but I've also been trying to eat fewer animals over the last two decades.

    Keep warm! Happy 2010!

  5. Anonymous8:31 AM

    You must be one of those people who "ride the clutch." I used to be able to replace my own clutches and I used to have to ride it to hold the car, stopped in traffic -- going up a hill. It was hard on the clutch but beat rolling back to the bottom and starting over.

  6. Hi Kate,
    Scrolling through your blog takes me back to my youth in northern Illinois (DeKalb). I don't miss those cold, winter days! But I do miss the beauty of the snow when viewed from the cozy side of a window.

  7. Ah, unexpected car repair bills. A sorry way to begin the new year, although it is now out of the way. Don't blame you for staying indoors!!

    Thanks for the olives today. I was rummaging in my refrigerator last evening trying to find some for dinner. Now I know where they were ... YOU had them all -:)

  8. Abraham's probably spot on in his assessment. (Brave man!)

  9. I'm fuming at both Abraham and JB. Adding insult to injury! The mechanics told me that it was NOT the way I was driving the White Wizard; the faithful car is 10 years old and is getting old and older.

  10. Sometimes it's nice just to stay indoors and eat!

  11. Poor white wizard! I'm glad he's better now. I'm still waiting for my red friend to come back from Nikon. The current status is "under repair". All this cold weather is making me look forward to Hawaii even more.

  12. Don't forget, olives go so well in a martini glass filled with Gin. Any gin so long as it's not Tanqueray.

  13. I am glad to know that the Wizard is back between my last comment and this!

  14. I can sit and eat a whole bowl full of olives marinated with garlic one wants to be around me if I do...but some times, that's just plain, ok!!!

    May your clutch get another 10 years of driving!!!


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