Friday, November 14, 2008

Public Art #4-"Frame"

Earlier I mentioned that the park where this sculpture is located is ringed by apartment buildings which you can see behind the "Frame"--the artist is Shaun Cassidy.


  1. Do the sculptures on display change or are they permanent?

  2. Bonjour !

    Surprenant !

    jolie photo, tout de même...
    A bientôt !

  3. Anonymous4:34 AM

    I have seen apartment builds like this in nearby Dayton, Ohio. I don't think they have any public art in them though. I am not exactly nuts about some pieces of sculpture as I got hooked on stone and most of the other things are OK but not my thing.

    My best and earliest art friend was a stone carver of some dimension and we used to go to art shows together. He almost needed a forklift to get his stuff out and on display and I was so glad I had oils and easy to carry things.

  4. Somebody is playing with us.

  5. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I love this! A photographer would have a lot of fun with this sculpture.

  6. I have nothing against modern art, the contrary, but in this case I'm not really impressed! ... but fortunately our tastes are not all the same! :-)

  7. Kate, there seems to be an abundance of art around your area. And each so different. I need to be more observant in my area.

  8. Fun to see the finished art. Today, I have an artist creating art.


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