Friday, October 02, 2020

Lovely Butterfly!

 I still haven't taken time to go on a little photo shoot so I am checking my archives, and rather like this one, taken August 8, 2015. My old Mac died a painful death so I lost many photos, despite Apple's valiant effort to help me recover some of them. Glad that I found this one. My memory stretches back only so far, so I do not know if I posted this one before. If so, it won't hurt to see it again, right?!


  1. What a lovely photo to start the weekend.

  2. That is a beautiful butterfly worth looking at again and again.
    The only ones I see in my backyard are white. This year I haven't seen a single monarch if my memory serves me righ. Because of covid I don't go to as many parks as before.
    Be well.

  3. It never hurts to see pretty pictures. Sorry to hear about your old Mac. I still use mine for photo work but had to get a new one for everything else. The old one is just too sluggish.

  4. Always like seeing the Monarch butterflies, but have not seen so many of them this fall. Hope that is not a trend.

  5. Lovely butterfly with perfectly matched background.

  6. It's a gorgeous shot Kate, definitely deserves another showing, beautiful pastel colour soft background 💛


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