Thursday, February 04, 2010

A Tisket! A Tasket!

Grand Aveue in St. Paul, Minnesota has shops, stores, cafes, and restaurants to satisfy many different tastes, and a day spent shopping there is a real pleasure because of the variety. In my home I use many different kinds and shapes of  baskets that are both decorative and very useful.  I think I could use a few more!


  1. ils sont superbes ces cageots en bois....une belle collection

  2. I agree with you about baskets. In the library of our home, which is where I do by blogging, I have an upside down basket to hide the electronic units that are connected to the flat screen TV on the wall, with an antique Italian carved angel standing on the basket. My wife would never tolerate the "exposed electronics" look.

  3. C'est pas des cageots!!!!! :-)))
    I like your baskets (did you invent the terms you used as a title?). They are very much in the fashion here too.

  4. Such an ancient craft, basket weaving, and still so perfect a solution for so many things.

  5. One can never have too many baskets! This looks like a Michael's or Hobby Lobby store!

  6. Me too! Love baskets, they are so useful and pretty!

  7. A bisket! A basket! Everything seems to be stacking up nicely! R U in Sante Fe yet?

  8. I have some of these around, full of books and papers. I could use more either!

  9. Function and beauty ... two key elements!


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