Wednesday, November 26, 2008


There's something about the titles of these books that really puts me off. Perhaps it's irrational, but I'm not interested in the books primarily because "bitch" really offends me. Does anyone else react to that label for females as negatively as I?


  1. je suis d'accord avec toi.

    I agree with you.

  2. Hello Pretty Kate !
    Yes "bitch" is a bad word for a Ladie...

    So BAD BOOK !

    See You later...

  3. Yup, I did - I do judge a book by its cover & by its title. I often get this type of books cuz they are a fun quick relaxing read, but wouldn't do it for this one. Then my friend told me that it's about working hard to be skinny, etc. & it sounded good.

  4. Anonymous2:38 AM

    It isn't something I would buy no matter how fabulous I would look after eating these recipes. Yes it is offensive to me.

  5. Interesting comment. As a man I am not attracted to 'bitches', I think it is a selfcentred egoistic approach of life, taken that bitching does give a certain kind of pleasure or joyous feelings. But it is very unpleasent for the surounding and I think the consequence is lonlyness and onces started she needs to continue.

    My boss is a bitch, she has to be I think, it is an all male company. A sweet lovely lady could be 'looked down' upon, so it might be functional to be. She is to high in the management that I would speak to her, but I hear from closer management that they are 'not amused' but do as she says. So maybe sometimes a woman needs to be 'bitch', on the other hand is that really so? A woman in charge can take another approach -charming and sceming? I don't know actually.
    regards from Marcel

  6. Being portuguese, english is not my language, but I've allways understood the word 'bitch' as a nasty one, to say the least...

  7. Language change all the time. As does the meaning of the words we use. Every generation adapts it a little bit.

  8. Absolutely Kate. Bitch is the female of a dog and shouldn't be demeaned in this way.

  9. Yes, yes, yes...I will avoid things like this like the plague.
    Nothing cute about it.

  10. i found it funny, although i understand how it can be offensive.

  11. Hey, I've seen that book in my home, my wife has read it. I'm curious what she thinks about the title. I may have to do a follow up comment when I ask her.

  12. It's overly used in pop music. The youngsters are saturated with the word.
    I don't see how a book title could hope to appeal to an adult audience.

    On a lighter note - Have a Great Thanksgiving!!

  13. Yes, I totally agree with you!!!

  14. You struck a nerve Kate. It probably is just a marketing ploy, but not a word I care to hear in everyday conversation or on the cover of a book.

  15. Yes, I seen this book in the stores but it didn't spark an interest. I guess some some people would want to read it because of the title, but I'm not one of them.

  16. I'm also with you. Crude language doesn't get far with me.

  17. I saw the author on tv...Ellen I think....who raved about them.....not a fan of them or their book either...

  18. hehe, the books would not appeal to me, but more because I have no aspirations to get skinny, funnily enough i don't find the title offensive. I think it is because Max calls me his "cheeky bitch" with a great amount of affection!


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