Tuesday, August 07, 2018

River Boulevard House

There are many large homes on East River Boulevard. This house is of a newer stone exterior construction but the baby blue shutters seem out-of-character for the neighbourhood where many, but not all, of the houses are more classical in design; others are more contemporary.


  1. It's a beautiful house but, I agree about the shutters. They seem a strange color for a stone house like this. I don't think I every mentioned how much I like your header photo. That momma duck has quite a following.

  2. I do like the architecture.

  3. Another color would look nice there!

  4. What a grand house and I agree the shutters should be another colour.

  5. It may have seemed like a good idea at the time. Not the greatest color in its execution, in my humble opinion.

  6. Gosh it is big Kate! I don't mind the shutters, gives it a wee bit of a French provincial look ✨

  7. I wonder if the interior has some interesting colour choices as well!


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