Monday, December 27, 2010


DH and I often stroll through Rice Park downtown when we are going to a performance at Ordway. This sculpture of F. Scott Fitzgerald (one of our boys, you know) is a prominent statue among many others in this little jewel of a park.  F. Scott is a familiar person to me since I've taught his short stories to middle schoolers and The Great Gatsby to high school St. Paul Academy, the school that he attended as a youngster before going off to a private school in the East. Whenever we walk by, I stop to chat with him or give him a hug, much to DH's consternation and the amusement of passersby.

Obviously this was taken during the summer.  The snow and my wounded wing have severely curtailed my photo shoots so here you have it...more photos from the past.

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." The Great Gatsby, 1925


  1. Crikey! I thought you'd been miraculously cured and we'd have to book pilgrimages to St Paul....
    Have to agree with Olivier

  2. F. Scott seems to be enjoying the embrace every bit as much as you.

  3. For a moment there I thought you were doing some kind of hugging exercise
    for your shoulder. Have good day Kate!

  4. Nice to see such happy faces this morning.

  5. This is so cute! And all that green back there behind you...all white now, I would guess.

  6. What a joyous shot! I love it!

  7. Very cute shot Kate!!!

  8. Wonderful sculpture. Cool shot.

  9. You and F. Scott seem to be good buddies! Maybe you should bring a red, woolen hat down for him to wear with you at his side..... (hint, hint)

  10. Anonymous11:40 AM

    ...I like that; and having a big brother living in the USA soon 40 years, it gives me good feelings :-)

  11. I didn't know Fitzgerald came from St. Paul!


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