Monday, May 17, 2010

A Great Lady of Letters!

Maya  Angelou, this lovely woman of literature, who told us that she had just turned 82-years-old, spent an hour on stage at St. Kate's campus on Sunday afternoon, singing, reciting poetry, and telling anecdotes. She touched on racism, sexism, courtesy, and good grace. Her sense of humour is as well-developed as her writing and recitation skills. If she had stayed longer the audience who clearly adored her would have loved it.  I would have gladly remained until well after midnight; one can dream!

"Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends."

Maya Angelou


  1. je ne connais pas, je vais aller voir sur internet

  2. wow, i bet that was a wonderful evening.

  3. You'll never forget the experience, will you? What a privilege to have seen her in person.

  4. What a great opportunity. You were lucky to see and hear her.

  5. I bet this was a great presentation. She is one of our national treasures!

  6. I would have just loved that. Saw her frequently on Good Morning America et al and have her "And still I rise" cassette.

  7. I really envy you for this...

  8. TO my shame I'd never heard of her. Thanks for this wonderful presentation. In a way her personality echoes my post today.

  9. And speaking of great ladies...have you seen the new Kate Hepburn postage stamp? It's a beauty.

  10. Oh, no! I must get it!!


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