Wednesday, August 13, 2008

#25-La Muerta Cart?

The first time I saw these carts many years ago was on the High Road to Taos, behind a small adobe church, San Jose de Gracia, in Las Trampas. Whether it is an urban legend or fact, I was told that the carts were used by the Penitentes and supposedly held a statue of the death angel, Dona Sebastina, better known as La Muerta. Hmm! I think I need to do a little research on this!


  1. un beau chariot, qui fait parti de l'histoire, légende urbaine où non
    a beautiful chariot, which is part of history, urban legend or not

  2. A strange story!

  3. Interesting. I have not heard that story, but I'd be interested to know if it's true.

    Lovely photo!

  4. The cart has a lot of photographic character. I love legends like this. Would like to hear more.

  5. I do love little oddments like this. Such a picture postcard image, it would be interesting to learn the history.

  6. I think we all agree we would like to know more of this story :)

    Kate, please give the following message to Olivia

    Dear Olivia. Thank you for the comment on my blog. I am very glad you like my animal photos. I love taking the photos of them too. I aqree that the lion is pretty cool. Do you think the Fat Black Buck had a little too much hay that day? Thanks again, Faye

  7. Oh! I found a similar cart in front of an antique shoppe. It was filled with plants and green things. Nothing muert-y about it at all! :)

  8. interesting wood work -- I love the High Road, too. Used to live there and have been there many times since then.

  9. interesting post Kate.
    hope it's not too hot in your part of the world, here it's 40C, toooo hot!
    have a lovely day!

  10. Great shot, you're lucky to be running across so many interesting things there! Good spot for a photo-vacation :)


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