Monday, November 20, 2006

C'mon in!

This school art gallery exhibits both professional artists as well as student work. Because of the light reflecting from the windows, it's very difficult to capture the paintings if they're covered with glass. This one by a faculty art teacher is a good example of the rest of her work currently hanging in the gallery. To view the outside of the school building, visit this blog.

Today in Minnesota History: 1967 -The Nicollet Mall, a pedestrian walkway closed to traffic except buses, opens in downtown Minneapolis.. (Historical information:


  1. belle exposition de peinture. j'aime bien la 1ere photo. je prefere les photos de galeries que juste des details.

    beautiful exposure of painting. I like the 1st photograph. I prefer the photographs of galleries that just details.

  2. Anonymous12:40 AM

    I would love to c'mon in. Would be a great place to spend a morning I think.

  3. Once I took an art class with the idea of learning to paint. My professor suggested, at the end of the class, that I reconsider.

    I haven't painted much since, though I still feel the call. I often find myself standing before paintings, considering how they did it.

    Thanks for this walk into the gallery. It's a great spot for study.

  4. It must be a good exhibition to visit. You are right it is difficult to capture details but you have promoted the work of other artists and that is always an admirable thing to do.

  5. Anonymous9:42 AM

    thanks for the invite =)
    what a great space Kate that is.
    have a good week.

  6. you do like your galleries and art, don't you?

  7. first pix is soothing, I simply wanna spent hours there!

  8. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Nice place, Kate. Did you have to ask permission to photograph like I did? BTW, they wouldn't let me take photos of the faculty work!

  9. My thanks for your good wishes, Kate. I have to tell you that the first thing I thought when I saw the school exterior was that it is so similar to the buildings of the A.S.L - the American School in London, St. John's Wood, just round the corner from the Abbey Road studios (Beatles recordings & all that). An obviously very well appointed high school, compared to its Brit cousin about 300 yards away. So that was all very evocative for me, as we lived in Abbey Road next to the famous crossing. And we used to listen to G. Keillor reading his Lake Wobegone on BBC radio at that time, loving every minute. Funny to see him again in your bookshop pic. Nice, though.

  10. Olivier, Thanks for stopping you and Faye are so faithful!!

    Annie, Don't you just love affirming and supportive teachers. He should be fired!

    Carlos, Jazzy, Edwin, Kris, more thanks for your support and visits!

    Ruth, I did ask; they're still my colleagues albeit former. It's my practice to ask anyway. My former school has so many talented teachers. (and students, too!)

    And, Miles, one of my favorite former Headmasters took a position at the International American School in London a number of years ago, but unfortunately died before he was able to make an impact on the school. Is this the same school perhaps that you described??

  11. Beautiful artwork. I love watercolors. I agree with Faye, I would love to spend a morning there. I so appreciate your daily travelogue of St. Paul.

  12. Holy Moses, it's 2AM here!

    What's up, Kate? You really are super popular. I remember the good old days, say some 50 years ago, when I was the only one commenting on your blog.

    You have arrived!

    Anyway, I have never taken an art class. Unbelievable, come to think about it. After all these years as a student, I haven't registered for Art 101 even once. And I'm interested in it.

    What's wrong with me?

  13. Yes, that was the school Kate. A pity for him. I always thought that it actually looked so conducive to learning, compared to the usuall Brit school standards, at least in terms of architecture & environment. Once, I had to go inside for some reason, don't remember now. I was so impressed!

  14. Ah Miles, his name was Bill Harris. I truly loved him as a colleague and friend. Good memories, tho.

  15. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I think it is a wonderful idea to show both the pros and the students.


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