Friday, September 25, 2009

Wanna Play?

I've been told that when a dog has this kind of stance, it really wants to play. Our dog Maggi often "bows" like this after she greets us. In this guest photo by Jeremy, Maggi has just been approached by another dog at the dog park.


  1. My dog's do this too, I was always wondering if it meant that he wanted to play! Dog's really are gift's from God.

  2. on voit qu'il s'amuse bien, bonne photo amusante de ce chien

    we see that much fun, good fun photo of this dog

  3. To play yes! Hope only the little doggie doesn't get angry! :-)

  4. Yes, I want to play!:-)
    A very NICE and HAPPY dog! And a nice shot.

  5. Ruff, ruff! I was at a training class yesterday and the instructor had his cooker/poodle mix dog with him. The dog was a hit in class!

  6. He looks like hes ready to play, just needs a frisbee or ball.

  7. Maggi looks like she has more in mind than just play.

  8. LOVE this picture. As a person with 3 of these crazy animals..... I am never short on play time.

    This is a great shot.

  9. definately time to play! what a happy dog:)

  10. That she wants to play seems an understatement... Beautiful portrait in a perfect and genuine canine pose!

  11. Great action shot of a beautiful dog! We had a German Shepherd years ago...Hans Christian Anderson.


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