Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winter Wonderland? Circle Theme #17

Find the circles!
"Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart." Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885


  1. Tree trunk, general shape of the evergreen, general shape of the branches, and the top of the basketball goal.

    Great photo collage. Looks mighty cold up there.

  2. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Good morning Kate!
    And thank you for Christmas ecard!
    Your photos shows a wonderful Christmasy landscapes, which are not here!
    And it is a wonder, this is no a second Christmas without snow, these are only ones during my lifetime, but perhaps Global warming has something to do with it.

    Otherwise everything is well in our lives and we will spend Christmas with children`s families and snow is only snow, what we will get enough after holidays.

    Kate, I wish you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  3. Doesn't a fall a snow turn everything into fairyland? These are such beautiful scenes.

  4. Well...there's the roundness of the tree in the top righthand photo...and there's the basketball hoop...and then? I must be too sleepy to find them all!

  5. What great snowy photos. Seeing these makes me think it can't be long before you migrate!

  6. I am with Lynette on this....and it looks very cold there but it is cold here as well! Merry Christmas.....great shots.

  7. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..

  8. Goodness, it looks cold with you. Lovely set of photographs, Kate.

  9. Real postcards, but I know you prefer Mexico's sun!

  10. Beautiful snowy scene. I like the upper tree on the right. Victor Hugo has always been one of my favorites. By the thanks!

  11. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Absolutely a winter wonderland. I love each of these shots.

    Yep, circles abound.

  12. I discovered only the basketbazll hoop as a circle, but I found some nice winter shots! (When do you go southwards?)

  13. oh Kate, you made my day with winter wonderland scenes, gorgeous!

  14. Pretty wintery scenes, Kate! I am already tiresome of the continual shoveling of the driveway and sidewalk. Merry Christmas!


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