Monday, December 08, 2008

Mugs- Circles #7

The art and craft fair that I visited last Friday had booths with textiles, baskets, clothing, paintings, photography, jewelry, leather goods, pottery and much, much more. These mugs caught my eye because of the way in which they would fit this circle theme. Is anyone getting tired of it yet?


  1. belle collection de Mugs. A chaque fois que je vais à NYC, je m'en offre un différent.
    nice collection of Mugs. Each time I go to NYC, I give myself a different.

  2. I'm amazed you found so much, Kate.
    These mugs look well made. We're just starting on the Christmas markets...

  3. nice selection.
    are they mini mugs?
    i love your continuous circle theme, i wander what will be next?!

  4. No tired at all. Love the light bouncing off those mugs.

  5. I love how these theme posts help us look at our world differently. Sometimes I feel I am looking at everything through the lens of my camera.
    Keep the circles coming Kate.

  6. Not a bit! I seemed to have a difficult time find a circle, and you have them rolling by.


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