Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Construction Progress

The school where I used to teach is constructing a state-of-the-art addition for math and science.  Although the construction seems to be taking forever, it is moving right along and will be exciting to tour when it is finished.  The winter scene was taken in January, 2018 and the recent version was photographed last Sunday. Cannot wait to see the completed version!


  1. It is so great to see buildings dedicated to science and math. I'm not very good in either subject, but I know how important they are in today's world.

  2. Looks like progress has been made on this construction. You will have to show the finished building at some point in the future.

  3. It shouldn't be too long now. Hopefully it will be done when school starts this fall.

  4. That's quite a bit of progress!

  5. Oh, wow! I am assuming state of the art means there will be a lot of labs and computers?

  6. It's starting to looking like a handsome building.


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